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"You looked sad."

"Sad? I think I just enjoyed the weather, and had some popcorns."

"I was hurt by the way you treated me." Said Zen.

"Did I?" I typed.

"She was someone who wanted help."

"I did not ask you for explanations." I added with an emoji.

"We all are free to do anything we want."

I closed my eyes as I felt nothing but pity for someone who had so much company but was the loneliest of them all.


"Leah! Are you coming today?" I called her.

"Probably not."

"You should have told me earlier. We could have taken a day off."

"I'm still giving you company."

"On phone." I laughed.

"Leah! Why do we feel about something we had no concern with?"

"I mean why does a man need a bunch of girls for his entertainment."

"He is a playboy. Ofcourse."

"I just saw Zen with a new girl today. And guess what? He is sitting right Infront of me. Though he is talking to her, but his eyes are gawking at me."

"I feel weird."

"Why he does that? Do I look funny?"

"You are crushing over him and one thing is for sure, you want him just for yourself and that part makes you sensitive." She paused. "You are feeling a burn. If I'm not wrong?"

"I told you it's just curiosity! Not love."

"Well, whatever you call that." She laughed.

"I want to get over with it. I feel like my peace has been triggered."

"About that, have you seen Jess?"

"Jess had a man Sam ofcourse. Both so hard in love."

We laughed.

"Atleast someone is happy." I added.

"I got some work to do." I sighed.


"Sitting on a registration desk in this fine sunny day, getting my skin some sunburn under a shade of a tree and doing some endless work."

"You sure want to gain as much experience as you can."

"I just like being social dear." I laughed.

"Oh are you coming this Sunday morning? We are short on people."

"Definitely. Not, Naomi."

"Alright." I pouted.

"Wait I got a message." I said.

"Enjoying?" -Zen

A smile was what I had on my face.

"Who me or you?"

"May be both of us?"- Zen.

"She is not pretty."

"Haha"- Zen.

"She is from another department."

"Duh! I did not ask you."

"Hello miss donut!" Leah said on the call.

"Sorry." I looked at Zen as he gave this million-dollar smile.

I turned around, making sure that I do not get caught.

And there the apple of my cheeks became red. I bit my lower lip in embarrassment.

More than an hour it took us girls to fire out our problems. We were on a serious topic. Zen walked towards me, I felt the need to run. For more then I talked he stared me still.

He walked near me as I felt my heart proving Leah's saying about being in love.

I could smell his fragrance that had this attraction. He walked pass by as he hissed in my ears. 

"What?" I turned back to gawk at his shoulders.

I ended the call.  I waited near the football court. It was this time I felt something I was not sure about.

Half hour passed I waited till I came to the conclusion that what Leah had said about him might be the absolute truth.

After all he did not came. For him I was not someone who had any worth. I was like those who had wanted to lessen his burden. But again this excuse was too much to defend him.

I walked away left like a robbed person who had nothing in her hands.

I sat inside the bus as I set my mind to go home.

"Where are you?" Zen texted.

I looked at it for a minute. The other, I had wanted to block him. As he is a man who has conflicts with what he says and what he does.

"Off to home, sweet home."

"Maybe it's not our day." Said Zen.

"Well might be."

I reclined against the side window. Thinking how much life has changed me.

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