Nicole's Best Friend & It's Never Goodbye

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Chapter Ten-Nicole's Best Friend & It's Never Goodbye

Months later....

Many months passed since Letty and Nicole moved back home with Mia.

Since then, Nicole got enrolled back into her regular school, much to her relief. And to take her mind off things, Harry decided to let her come help out as his shop for a few hours on the weekend. It gave her something to do and she was around the main thing she loved which was cars.

The only sad part for her was now that they got comfortable, it was now more closer to the time for Letty to leave and go to the D.R.

Letty walks out front; talking to Mia.

All her hair was brushed out and tucked behind her ears. She was wearing a pair of denim blue jeans, a blue v-neck, and a matching jean jacket.

"Alright, so, besides school, and volunteering over at Harry's on Saturdays and Sundays. Nicole should be in the house." Letty says to her. "But if that kid doesn't do her homework, the only volunteering she will be doing is in the house. Make that clear to her, if she doesn't listen then I'll choke her through the phone if need be."

Mia chuckles. "Okay, okay, I get it. Don't worry about it, me and Nicole are gonna be fine. She is watching my back and I'm watching hers."

"That is definitely something she's famous for." Letty let out a low chuckle, she sighs and she gives it some thought. "Listen, Mia, it may be a couple of months before I come back. I probably won't even be back until around next year, around her birthday, and I just-"

"I understand," Mia smiles. "I know what you're trying to do. Which is why, I will continue to watch over Nicole. When you get down there Letty....I hope you find him."

Letty nods her head looking down. "Yeah," She scoffs. "So do I."

A small caucasian girl; walks over to the house and up the steps.

All her straight orange hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail. The color of her hair complemented her crystal blue eyes very well, along with the freckles on her cheeks. She had on jean shorts, a white t-shirt, a checkered pattern; red and black, long sleeve shirt wrapped around her waist and a pair of tennis.

The girl, was twelve year old, Gia Wills. One of Nicole's old classmates when she was little, and a neighborhood friend to the family. Other than school, both girls would always play together when Gia's grandmother would watch Nicole for them, and Dom would often fix Gia grandfathers car from time to time, for free whenever he needed it done.

Gia was one of the people happy that Nicole was back in town to stay, and the two of them had gotten more close than before in the past couple of months. Letty was happy to see it since Nicole didn't make friends so easily. Nicole didn't like people around her too much, but Gia made her way in and now the two were attached at the hip.

"Hey, Ms. Toretto and Ortiz." She waves at the two older women, as she makes it to the top of the steps.

Letty smirks, she nods her head up to her. "Gia, how many times do I have to tell you it's Mia and Letty? Seriously kid, how old do you think we are?"


"Don't answer that." Letty and Mia say back.

Gia giggles. "What? I was going to keep it in the twenties."

"Uh-huh, that's the same crap Nicole says." Letty scoffs.

"Speaking of Nicole, is she home yet?" Gia asks.

Letty nods her head back towards the door. "Yup, just head on in," she shrugs her shoulders. "-she should be in her room. Doing only god knows what."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐨Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz