You Still Have Me

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Chapter Seven- You Still Have Me

Letty wakes up with a yawn. The house quiet; as the sun was just coming up and starting to peek through the windows and give off a light.

She stretches as she sits up, her eyes look around the room but they stopped searching when she saw money stacked on the dresser. Letty looks next to her to see Dom side of the bed empty and not even slept in, and her mind starts putting together the pieces.

"Please tell me your joking." Letty mumbles. "Please."

She throws the covers back and quickly paces out of the room. Letty went to Nicole's room and gave a knock on the door, as she hoped all of this was just a bad dream. "Nicole? Nicky, you up yet?"

Opening the door, she looks inside to see her bed wasn't even slept in, there was no signs of Nicole in the room. "No." Her voice cracks, as she shakes her head slowly. "Nicole!" Letty runs out the room and down the steps, she looks around the downstairs. "Nicole! Dom!"

Even if Dom did just step out for a while and take Nicole with him, it didn't make sense of him all of a sudden leaving that big stack of money on the dresser.

Letty swung open the door and ran out front but stops in her tracks when she saw the car was there in the driveway. This made her brows screw together in confusion, as she was now even more thrown off. If Dom left, why was the car still there? It didn't make any sense, the shops was a good twenty minute drive and she doubted that he walked. Her stomach turns in nervous knots as this was getting more scary to her. She walked outside more and scans the area with her eyes, with a huff, she runs around to the back of the house where the beach was.

Letty comes to the back and looks around, she turns around back towards the house but had to double take when she saw her child on the patio. Nicole had her legs pulled to her chest and head buried in her knees. A wash of slight relief came over Letty when she finally found one of the two people she had been looking for.

"Nicole!" Letty jogs over to her in a rush, and stoops down in front of her. She shakes her shoulder gently to wake her. "Nicole, look at me baby girl." Nicole lifts her head to show her puffy red eyes, that she had developed from crying half the night. "Come on, look at me Nicky." Nicole eyes flicker to meet her mothers worried gaze. "What happened? Where's daddy?"

Nicole sniffles, and uses the back of her hand to wipe her tears that started to slowly make their way back. "I-I, I don't know." Letty slowly shakes her head confused, Nicole pulls the note from in her lap and hands it to her. "He's gone..."

Letty takes the note and crunches it in her fist, she shakes her head. "Forget about that. Let's get you in the house." Letty helps her up off the ground, she takes her inside the house and upstairs into her room instead of sending Nicole to her own. Letty lays her down, she covers her up and kneels down at the bedside next to her. To calm her nerves and get her to sleep, Letty gently rubs Nicole head, and reads over the note quietly that her daughter gave to her. Nicole eyes were slowly opening and closing as she was falling in and out of sleep. The more Letty read the note, the more her worst nightmare came true and that bad feeling felt even stronger than before.

As she read the last bit of it, her eyes start to tear up, but not only in sadness but anger.

Letty throw the note down, Nicole eyes snapped open at the strong sound. A hurt Letty, ran a shaky and stressed hand through her hair with a sigh. The note couldn't be anymore clearer and she knew he was thinking about this but she thought he wouldn't do this because of Nicole, and because of her. Dom didn't have to leave them, they didn't care about being caught, they cared about staying a family and staying together. There was not much family she had until she met Dom, and when she had Nicole, that was the completion to her family. Instead of being apart of one, she was able to find and create her own. All she ever wanted to do was give Nicole something she never had together, a mother and a father, even in the roughest of times.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐨Where stories live. Discover now