We'll Always Be With You

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Chapter Two- We'll Always Be With You

Nicole was downstairs in her pajamas playing a car racing game with Jesse on the floor as everybody else was still roaming around and getting ready.

Vince walked in the house, Jesse looked up which distracted him for a brief second.

"Ha! I win again!" Nicole claps, she holds her hand out. "Five time in a row. Pay up uncle Jesse, pay up." 

"Can't I give you five today and five tomorrow?" Jesse asks.


Jesse eyes widened. "Shhh! No, no, no!"

"Uncle Jesse is trying to cheat me out of payment!" Nicole calls out. "He made a deal!"

"He's what?" Dom called out sternly from upstairs. "If you made a deal, you better pay my kid before we leave this house Jesse! You make a deal in this house you gotta live up to it!"

"She was just joking Dom! I would never not own up to a deal!" Jesse laughs nervously, he fake laughed before snapping a glare down at Nicole. "You are so evil."

"Twenty bucks, or I keep talking." Nicole motions her hand in a 'gimme' gesture. "By the way, I know about about the discount you gave Gale after a certain Toretto said not to." She sings.

Jesse eyes widened. "You wouldn't?" Nicole arched her brow, Jesse quickly shakes his head. "Okay, okay, no. Here, I got it." He handed her twenty dollars.

"Pleasure doing business." Nicole counts.

"You just got hustled by a seven year old." Vince scoffs and shakes his head. "That is truly sad. It's more sad because she probably wasn't even trying."

Nicole giggles in between counting. "It's too easy to actually try."

Vince ruffled Nicole's hair up. "Sup, short girl."

"Hi, hi, uncle Vince." Nicole smiles, she showed her money. "Look what I from uncle Jesse."

"Oh I saw." Vince snickers, flopping down on the couch.

Jesse points. "She set me up. The kid, was determined."

Vince chuckles. "That's Leticia's daughter for you."

"Don't say that name in this house." Letty says walking down the steps. Her hair was down and she had on her outfit for the night. 

She stands over Nicole with a sigh, putting a hand on her hip, Letty looks down at her daughter who she had last left in the bed.

"Hi, mom." Nicole smiles up at her. "You look soo pretty." Letty pokes her tongue on the inside of her cheek with a look.

"It's a trap, don't look into her eyes I'm telling you." Jesse points, Nicole glares and nudges his leg.

"Yeah that works on all of you and sometimes her father, not me." Letty tells him, she looks back down at a smiling Nicole and slowly shakes her head. "Nicole-Toretto. Where did I leave you?"

"In your heart." Nicole hugs her mother legs.

Vince brows raised. "Oh she's good."

Letty shoots him a look. "Not that good." She looks down at Nicole. "I left you in bed. When did you get out?"

"When did you leave out?" Nicole thinks about it. "It was like the minute you went back in your room."

Letty chuckles. "You are so-" She sighs. "Come on precious beast, bed time."

"Can't I stay up until you get back?" She pouts. "Pleaseeee?"

"Nope." Letty said scooping Nicole up by her waist with one arm. "I said bedtime."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐨Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora