Getting To Know Xander

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Los Angeles,

Dressed in a black suit, a few of the buttons open to expose his chest.

Tyler used his knees as an arm rest; stooped down in front of the grave ahead. Twirling a red rose between his fingers, his blank stare stayed on the name of the grave.

Nicole Toretto.
Loving Daughter & Friend

A picture of her laid against the tombstone; with a few candles.

Approaching him from behind, Gia holds her arms to her chest. Cheeks still puffed from earlier. A few ginger strands left out from her high pony tail, blew across her face.


Turning his head to the side to acknowledge her, he looked at his little cousin.


"It's getting late. Damon and the guys are all ready to go."

"You guys go on,"

Gia head tilts. "I don't want you to be alone right now, Tyler."

"I'm alright, you go on." He nods his head. "I'll be home before it gets late."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah..." His head turns back to the grave. "I'm sure."

Gia nods, giving one last sad look back to her cousin—she takes her leave down the the hill to the three cars that waited on the curve.

Tyler eyes narrow back to the grave.

The last good memories of Nicole running through his mind made him chuckle to himself. It was going to be hard not hearing her laugh, or scold him again. 

You never knew how much you would miss a person's smile until you realized that you were never going to see it again. It had been the small things that he missed about her.

"I'll see you when it's my time...." Laying the rose down on the grave, his small falls. "I miss you, Nicole."

Standing to his feet, he slides his hands inside his pockets.

A grave he never thought in his life to see. With her gone it felt like apart of him had left with her.

He knew it wouldn't be the same without her but he promised her that he would do better for Gia, and he was going to keep that promise for her. No matter what.


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Vince walked pass the taken apart GT40 that sat in the abandon warehouse.

Going over to the equipment that sat on the table, he pulls out a chip from the back. He didn't want to believe it but there it was. The one thing those men really wanted from the job that went haywire.

"Almost wish I didn't see that." Dom walks out from the shadows, scaring Vince around. "Almost."

Vince already had his hands up in defense. "Wait, Dom."

"Mia was on that train." Dom pushes him to the pillar. "My sister!"

"I didn't know!" Vince argues. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt her."

"You set up the deal." Dom points.

This wasn't the plan at all. They were supposed to do this job and then back to finding Nicole—but they needed this job to get them back on their feet.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐨Where stories live. Discover now