A Fatherly Promise

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Chapter Seventy-Eight

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Chapter Seventy-Eight

Walking into the Café, Eric looked around to see it empty. The time they told him was eight in the morning, he had just hoped he wasn't to early.

"Hello?" Eric walked up the counter.

"Hold on!"

Gia jogs from out of the back. "Hey how can I-oh its you."

"Well that's a nice greating." Eric chuckles.

Gia smiles. "Sorry about that. I didn't mean it in that way, I just thought you were a customer."

"Sorry to disappoint." Eric nods. "But I was told to be here at a certain time."

"Yeah, they're all in the back." Gia motions for him to follow. "Come on."

Eric walks behind the counter. "Is it usually this dead in the morning?"

"Mostly." Gia sighs. "We don't open until 9. Now if some of choose to get here earlier that's our business."

Hearing music in the back. Eric heard the voice of Don Omar as the song 'Bandoleros' played. One he noticed to become Nicole's favorite in time.

The two guys Nathan and Damon were over in their area working on two vehicles, laughing and talking with one another.

Eric glanced back to see who he believed to be Camilla working underneath a jeep. Only the pair of legs were left to be seen.

Sliding out, it revealed to be her. Her hair bunched in a messy bun while oil decorated the white-t.

A glance to Eric—she smiles and slides back under with her tools in hand.

The large garage feeling like nothing but a cozy home filled with what it seemed everybody love, and that was the cars.

Xander walked a motorcycle in; flanked by Raven.

"I don't understand why you need to take more hours." He tells her.

"We all didn't work for a high paying psycho." Raven reminds him. "School cost money,"

"Wouldn't if you let me pay for it." Xander grumbles.

"We had this conversation." Raven points.

"You had this conversation. I entertained it with a nod." Xander scoffs, he spots Eric. "Oh-oh, look who showed up to his first day." A smirk pulls on his lips. "Sup, snitch."

"I have a name." Eric reminds him.

Xander nods. "Yeah. I know."

Nathan chuckles with Damon.

Raven rolls her eyes. "Knock it off Xander."

"As you wish." Xander keeps walking. "Good luck back there buddy."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐨Where stories live. Discover now