Seeing A Ghost

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Chapter Ninety-Four

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Chapter Ninety-Four

Taking off the helmet, Nicole shook out her pony tail and placed it on the back. Slinging the gun that was hooked around her, she held it as she looked up to the warehouse.

Connected in a long traveling square that connected in the center. Surrounded by construction machines and other abandoned buildings.

Keeping it aimed, a sudden sound made her turn and point it to the second level. Watching that spot carefully for any movements, her eyes fell low as she waited. No more movements made her turn back around slow and head to where she saw a side entrance.

Spotting none of the suburban's made her go on more high alert. Either they left before she arrived, or they wanted her to think they did...

Not once did she think the first. If she learned anything from the Shaw brothers is to never let yourself be off guard. One relaxed breath is also one slip up.

Using the small opening from a broken door. Nicole peeked in, seeing no one around, she crouched down and went in--gun aimed first, using the steel pillars inside as cover.

A sound of a shuffle above her head made Nicole stop and peer up, stopping her breaths to hear. It sounded again, she looked for stairs and soon found some off to the side. The openness made her cautious as she looked up to see a few flights that led up to four levels.

"Of course." Nicole breathes out.

Taking careful steps, she goes up, keeping her back to the wall and gun pointed.

Making it up to the level, she moved close to the door opening inside. Gun aimed first, she slid in and carefully scanned the floor, listening carefully.

A nervous pit crawling in her stomach made her stop. Something was off. It was too quiet on this floor after she had just heard footsteps.

Hearing the sound of a gun click off safety, Nicole whirled around wide eyed.

Guns pointed from the back that she could not see, bullets sounding off from left and right.

Cursing under her breath, Nicole had no time to react as she used some of the old equipment to hide behind.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐨Where stories live. Discover now