Family Reunion

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Chapter Thirty Four

The family sat in the house eyeing the cops that stood inside. Letty stayed silent as she leaned against the wall with her head down.

Dom already knew that she was crying but Letty being Letty, she would never let you see it. Not unless you personally lift her chin up to see.

"Daddy, look! Look what I found." A four year old Nicole ran in the house but stopped with seeing the three officers that was there. All eyes went to her, she shrinked away until her gaze found her fathers. "Daddy?"

"Can I handle this for a second?" Dom looked at the officers.

One of them looked ready to say no until the other one cut in. "Yeah, go ahead."

Dom sent him a nod, and walks to Nicole.

"Come on, Nicky."

"Did I do something?" Nicole reached for him.

"No, of course not," Dom chuckles as picks her up, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. "I just want to talk to you. That okay?" Nicole nods to his small smile. "Okay."

Heading for the stairs, he grabs Letty hand as he passed and pulled her along with him.

Going inside of their room, he sat Nicole on the beds edge and stooped down to be face to face with her.

"What you got there?" Dom looks to her hands.

"I found my doll you bought me." Nicole grins showing it to him.

"Can always trust you with a job, can't I?" Dom gives a sad chuckle. Nicole takes his hand when he reached for her own. "Now I need to trust you with something else...."

Letty leaned against the wall, wiping her tears away.

Nicole heard the sniffles from her mother and her smile dropped looking back to Dom.

"Did uncle Vince do something bad again?"

"No, this time it was me." Dom said making her look at him shocked. "Remember how I told you that doing bad things come with consequences?" She nods. "Well your dad did something bad, and now I have to go pay the price for it. So I have to go away for a little while."

"No." Nicole shakes her head, she slides off the bed and hugs him. "Can't you say your sorry?" Dom hugs her back. "You can't leave, I don't want you to go."

"I'm not leaving forever."

"Your still leaving." Nicole hugs him tighter.

"It's just for a while, alright?" Dom rubs her back. "Just for a little while and I promise I will be back home with you."

"P-Please don't leave me." Nicole stared crying in his shoulder.

A pain to his chest as he heard her crying but he couldn't tell her the words she needed to hear to get her to stop.

"I'm sorry, Nicole." Dom's voice broke. "But you are gonna be okay. You got your mom, Mia, uncle Vince-"

"I don't want them!"

Dom hushed her with a slight rock. "Don't say that. I will call you every time I get a chance. Your going to be strong for me, right?" He pulls away, whipping her face. "I'm going to try and get back to you both, as soon as possible."

"Y-You promise your coming back?" Nicole chokes on her cries, her face flushed with tears.

An image that will forever break his heart.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐨Where stories live. Discover now