Chapter 42: Temi, Fashion Time

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                I dislike working at school. I don't understand why we need to learn magic and academics when we are of magic blood and don't get me started on the school's uniform. It needs to change, because it is, like, a crime against the fashion world! However, I would appreciate it if the Nina and the Dreamers would control their annoying adventures. Seriously, it was fun in the beginning, but now it is getting out of hand!

"Let's go to the mall!" Gracie said excitedly.

"Yes!" I said as I looked up from my phone.

We currently had a three-day weekend at the school and no Dreamers around to ruin it. As an added bonus for being a senior, we didn't get a lot of homework! This was so nice! Finally, we get the respect we deserve for spending six with the Dreamers and their crazy schemes!

"Von Mour!" Julia said excitedly as she closed her notebook.

The three of us departed for the mall to enjoy a nice warm and relaxing day of shopping. We entered the giant mall and walked to the shoes first! Oh, my gods! There were fluffy Uggs on sale! What a wonderful day! So far, everything was going great for our day off. Once we were finished gazing at the shoes, we went to the clothing area to see if they had any other stylish clothes for sale.

"Oh, my gods! Look at this cute sweeter!" Gracie said as she picked up a light pink sweeter.

It would look so well with Gracie's hair! Maybe we can find some pants with this as well. Once we finished looking at the outfits, we went to the Debrand Chocolate store to share an ice cream Sunday together.

"How long is cheer practice going to be?" Julia asked as she was finishing her smoothie.

"Should be 30 minutes to an hour" Gracie said as she ate a piece of the ice cream.

Oh, so not that long. Thank gods. I just wanted to relax and sleep in my room. No Dreamers, no homework, and no worries for this three-day weekend. Or that's what I believed. After we had bought a few clothes, we were ready to depart back to the school. As we were walking back, we noticed something dark entering the building.

"That's usually never a good thing to see" Julia said nervously.

"Let's enter on the side building" Gracie said as she ran towards it.

We ran to the back to the backway and entered the school. It was already past 6, so most of us would be in our rooms at this point in the day. As we entered the school, our guardians appeared before us! They looked concerned and serious about something. Mini landed on Gracie's head while Daisy appeared beside Julia. Punch Shock landed in front of me and looked around the area.

"What did the Dreamers do this time?" Gracie asked as she patted Mini's head.

"Actually, it is not their fault. If anything, this is a reaction to something going on around every world or at least, that is what the Wielders believed" Punch Shock answered as she remained on guard.

"What's going on? I thought the Wielders and Dreamers made sure that the worlds were safe from the darkness" Julia asked nervously.

"They have, but Master Yen Sid explained to us that a strong darkness is growing in your world. It is something very unusual" Daisy added.

The three of us were worried about this now. If this was something the Dreamers knew about, then what is really going on here? I'm almost a bit afraid to ask.

"Then why didn't you send the Dreamers to handle this?" I asked them seriously.

"We are no sure where they are at the moment. We couldn't properly find them" Punch Shock said seriously.

We ran to the Main Commons and found copies of Ruined! The copies then spotted us!

"Run!" Punch Shock shouted as she jumped up into the air and then slammed her fist on the ground.

Electricity flowed from her fist and shocked the copies!

"How did they get in here?!" Gracie asked as we ran to the science hallway.

"Ruined is from your world! He found a way into the school! He must have magic blood in him!" Mini stated as she floated by Gracie.

"This sounds like something you should tell the Dreamers!" Julia shouted as she ran towards the staircase.

We ran up the stair case to find one of the copies! We screamed and held each other as Daisy placed her hand on the ground. Vines sprang up from the ground and tied the copy down!

"Let's get going!" Daisy shouted urgently as she ran passed us.

Julia was surprised by Daisy's magic as we ran away from the copy.

"We can't keep running! We have to do something to stop the copies!" Gracie shouted as we passed the library.

"Why?! Let's just wait for the Dreamers to come back and deal with this! It is their fault for making him their enemy!" I retorted annoyed.

"I know we are all annoyed with the Dreamers for the many enemies they have made over the years! However, we can't just let this guy terrorize our school!" Gracie pointed out as she took her wand out.

I know she is right, but I really didn't like this! We went back to the Main Commons to find most of the copies creating dark energy!

"Ok! How do we stop this?!" Julia asked as she examined the area.

"We can create a light ribbon to stop them from gathering the darkness! Pin point time girls!" Gracie shouted as she held her wand tightly.

She twirled away from the darkness as her wand began to cast a pink ribbon! She stood on the side as she pointed the wand at the darkness to make the pink ribbon fly around the dark area. Mini clapped her hands to make purple magic gas stun the copies!

"Got it!" Julia said as she held her wand out to create a purple ribbon as she ran to the left side of the darkness.

She flipped herself forward and pointed her wand at the darkness. Purple ribbons flowed out of her wand and spread across the darkness. Daisy clasped her hands together to make the vines trap the copies in place! I backflipped away from them and pointed my wand at the darkness. A blue ribbon descended from my wand and covered the darkness. We trapped the darkness in place!

"Punch Shock! Electric Shock!" I shouted urgently as my friends and I held the darkness in place.

She smirked as she jumped in the air and then slammed her fist on the ribbons and darkness. It exploded, and my friends and I were launched away from the Main Commons!

"Is everyone ok?" I asked with a groan.

I looked up and saw colorful stars and sparkles descend from the sky. It was a vert pretty sight.

"We are good" Julia said as she helped Daisy up.

Mini and Gracie were laughing as they sat up from the ground. Punch Shock helped me up as I groaned. I can't believe we did it. I was so tired of this and for what was going on.

"Let's get them to bed. This was a very tiring day for them" Punch Shock said as she carried me.

I didn't protest. I just let her carry me back to my bed. I fell asleep as she bid me farewell. I was so tired that I didn't bother to wake up till 12. I saw Punch Shock standing over me with a bowl of cereal in her hands.

"I just had to make sure you were ok before I departed back to Skylands. Your friends are fine" Punch Shock said calmly as she gave me the cereal.

She sat next to me as I ate my cereal. I smiled at her in relief. I was grateful we were able to stop it, but I hope the Dreamers do know what they will do to protect our world. I have a feeling things will change.

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