Chapter 74: Mackenzie, Almost There

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                  Time to start the final year of High School. I know I shouldn't be hoping for some kind of peaceful year with Nina and the Dreamers fighting off villains and all that, but hey, it should be more peaceful.

"How does it feel to be on your last year of High School?" Echo asked curiously as she balanced a few of my textbooks on her head.

"Very surreal" I answered honestly.

After all, I didn't expect these past 4 years to go by so fast. It seems like it was just yesterday when I joined this school and made some lasting friends.

"Hey, what happens to you?" I asked her curiously.

Echo is my guardian, but is she always going to be there for me? Or does she leave me once I graduate High School?

"I am honestly not sure. We were only assigned to protect you and your friends from harm in case the Dreamers were not around" Echo explained, "I don't see why we can't help you in the future"

Aw! She is so sweet! We stopped at my classroom to give her a hug. She chuckled as I let her go. She went back to her world as I went to class. Well, this is the first day of my last year, how hard can it be?

After a few weeks, it can be much worse! I have three papers and three tests in just one week! I also have to apply to college. I thought applying to college would be the only issue I would have this year, but I guess not. I slumped forward and landed my head on the desk. I was already done with this year.

"Ruined at your last year? Shame. I had such high hopes for you" Echo said as she appeared at my side.

"As if you have to do any kind of work" I mumbled loudly through the papers.

"I did go to school and graduate" she answered as she jumped and sat on my comfy chair.

I looked up at her surprised. She went to school? I really don't know much about the Dreamers and whatever world she came from. I didn't think she had to go to school in her world. I assumed she was just a fighter.

"Yes, we went to school as well. Someone has to teach us how to properly use our powers, because we do not wish to end up like the Dreamers" she joked.

I had to laugh at that. They easily destroyed our school so many times over the year, but it was fun to miss class certain days. However, it was not ok to receive a lot of homework as a result. Actually, it made sense as to why we received a lot of homework, but I have a life. I want to do something before I die.

"Let's get to your homework. After all, this is your final year. Do your best, Mackenzie" Echo encouraged strongly.

She's not wrong. I took out my math book and began to do my homework before being summoned to dinner. I was able to get two assignments done as I was called down to dinner. I saw Hope and Brynn sitting at a table enjoying the dinner. It seems quiet tonight. I think the boys already had their weekly food fight. Thank god. That is so annoying. It was fun in the beginning until someone threw gum in my hair. That was the last straw for me and most students who care about their hair.

"So, how is everyone's first day?" I asked after I picked up the dinner.

"Ok. Right now, just waiting to hear back from a few colleges" Hope answered as she took a bite from her salad.

"I just want this year over and done with. I am almost at the end of the road, and I want off it" Brynn said as she finished her meal.

She seemed very tired for the first few weeks. I don't blame her. These first few weeks have been draining. I feel ready to collapse onto my bed. Actually, these weeks aren't that bad yet. The Dreamers haven't been in any kind of fights.

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