Chapter 26: Branden's Chapter, A Team in Many Ways

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Branden's Chapter 26: A Team in Many Ways

I really don't mind the school work and all that. I am mainly here for the sports practice and the magic in the school is good too. Sports is my talent. Well three sports are my main talents. I enjoy playing soccer in the spring. Then once winter begins, I play basketball. Then in summer, I play football. I was a partner to Tree Rex. However, Nina and the Dreamers have been causing so much chaos in the school that they have cancelled some sports practice because of the damage they have done.

"How do these freshmen have the power to create this much destruction?!" shouted Mr. O angrily.

He looked at the playgrounds, the potions labs, the gym, soccer fields, and the library. They were utterly destroyed. The fields were on fire while the buildings were covered in ashes and had rubble everywhere. The Dreamers have to pay the school back for the damages to the school. However, from what I have heard from other classmates was that the Dreamers don't have to pay for the damages to the school, because they were not the ones who caused the damage. It was their guardians that caused this destruction.

"What's going to happen to the upcoming games being held here?" asked Soren as he looked at the flaming tree.

"I guess we have to cancel the games or we hold the games at a different place" answered Mr. O who was furious with this destruction.

We went to the Chapel and had to wait for the coaches to tell us what to do. They were arguing about the next few weeks of the sports tournament, but we could tell that we were going to be able to play any sports for a very long time. The teachers released us from the chapel and the whole soccer team was furious with the Dreamers from destroying the gym.

"So we can't play in the gym or the fields, great. Thanks a lot Dreamers!" shouted an angry Nish.

Soren replied angrily "It wasn't our fault!!! Blame the enemy that did this!"

"Except it wasn't the enemy's fault. It was yours! Ever since you found that journal and notebook, we have been getting attacked by every kind of evil!" replied an angry Todd.

Soren was ready to summon his Kingdom Key and give Todd a piece of his mind, but Ben grab his wrist and prevented him from doing harm to their classmates. Sonic didn't want to see Soren get into a fight with any of his classmates.

He stepped in quickly and said "Relax Todd, you will get your gym and field after 2 days. We should be able to fix and repair it as well as pay for all the damages we have caused. Now I don't want any fighting, you hear?"

Todd back off and Soren walked away. The Dreamers mostly kept their distance from sports team until the gym and fields were repaired. The sports teams couldn't do much of anything. After all, our talent was sports and some were smart with magic but that was it. We didn't do much else. However, Todd got an idea. He summoned Loner and opened the keyhole of our world.

"We can practice in another world until the gym is repaired" said a confident Todd.

We agreed with him and then we went through the keyhole and arrived at Olympus Colosseum. Todd lead the way to an arena filled with sports equipment.

"Now we can practice our sports until the gym and fields are fixed" explained a pleased Todd.

The rest of us rushed the sports equipment and began to practice. Clayton and Todd kicked a soccer ball back and forth awhile. Nish was playing tennis with Sean and James. We enjoyed ourselves and we were able to practice our sports. After a good day of sports practice, Todd opened the gate back to Canterbury. We were kind of disappointed, but we went back.

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