Chapter 21.5: Grayson, I Will be Myself

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              I was sitting in my room thinking about a lot of things. I had recently went to a summer camp and discovered a person didn't have to be defined by binary rules. I had talked to Rhyme about this as well. She agreed with me on this. I told her I preferred to use they/them as my pronouns. She was pleased with me for telling her what pronouns I preferred. Then, the whole realm fights happened where I meet up with Jesa. She saved me, and I came out to her. She was very grateful and thanked me. Anyway, Rhyme then helped me come up with a name that I would be comformtable with. We had a board, an earse, and some markers.

"Alright, what about Persephone?" she asked she drew the name on the board.

"I don't want the main of someone who was kidnapped and forced to stay some place for half of their life" I answered her.

She quickly earsed the board and drew another name. I wonder if she had a list of names.

"What about Homura?" she asked as she finished the name.

"No...." I replied concerned.

How did she even think of that name? Where did that name come from? Rhyme earsed the name and went back to the board. She snapped her fingers and wrote something down.

"What about G?!" she said proudly.

This is going to be a long day. It was aboubt time for lunch when had gotten half way through the freaken list she made. Rhyme looked tired and sat down in a chair. I looked at her list and went over the names she had selected. None of these were good... What is her fascination with gods and goddess? Wait a minute, why does she have my family name on this sheet? I looked at my name and saw Grayson. That... sounds amazing. It sounds strong, and it's between the colors black and white on the spectrum!

"Grayson" I said to myself.

Yes, this is it! Rhyme looked up at me curiously.

She titled her head, "Is that the name you want?"

I nodded at her excitedly. She squealed in delight as she hugged me. Oh, this is great! I then thought about my friends. Would they still be my friends after I told them who I really was? Rhyme noticed I was quiet.

"Hey, if they are your friends, then they will definitely listened to you and accept you" she reassured me.

I nodded at her. She's right. My friends are pretty open minded. I was about to head out and help them, but I saw my pexrodiot wand glow a bit. I wonder what was going on. I just checked on my realm. Is something going on? I rushed out of the room while Rhyme slept on the ground. I walked to the commons and found Preselzee fighting off someone in a black coat! Oh my, who is he? Whoever he was, he was strong. He drew back his keyblade and shattered Preselzee's gem lance! She quickly grabs her gem as he kicks her away! Preselzee was knocked to a wall as she held her stomach.

"I'll get you for that" she said annoyed.

"Preselzee, are you ok?!" I asked her as I ran to her side.

"Not too bad. Don't worry. This guy is just a pushover" she said to me in a relaxed tone, "Though he must've to use the dark corridors to get here, because the keyholes are still damaged"

I helped her up as we faced the guy in the black coat. He raised his keyblade and created a dark sphere. I was about to pull my wand out, but he cast the spell over us! We were surrounded in darkness. What did he do? Preselzee sighed as we saw the scene changed in front of us. We were in the theater, but it was another Preselzee talking to Mira while Todd and Jay were practicing their lines for a play.

"Hey, Mira can I please talk to you about something?" she asked her nervously.

I actually never saw Preselzee that nervous before. Preselzee was clutching her arm as she looked at the scene. The Preselzee in the scene and Mira walked away from Todd and Jay.

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