Chapter 82: Jackson, A Fun Hunt

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                    I am assuming everyone has read Alex Boy's chapter about his hunt. If not, then go back and read it. One, the person who wrote this put a lot of effort into it. Two, you should be able to understand what I am doing in the woods with my shot refile. Ok, so Alex did have a cool weasel friend who could shot anything, but I have a dinosaur who can fly and shot lasers! Top that Alex!

"Chopper, what is the range on this deer?" I asked as I carefully aimed my refile at it.

We have been chasing after this deer for a very long time, so I do not want to lose site of it. I bet my teachers wished I had this much devotion to my grades. Sucks for them.

"You're good to go, kid!" he said over the speaker, and I pulled the trigger.

The deer fled! Really?! So close too!

"Let's head back in. The sun is going down" Chopper advised as he flew back to the school.

I am still mad about this. I took a shower and laid on my bed as Chopper returned to his world. He knew when I was mad it was not a good idea to stay near me. I should sleep this off. I closed my eyes to let sleep consume me. Except the opposite happened. I was asleep, I knew that. But I found myself in an odd place. What did I just fall into? I think I recall Nina or at least one of the Dreamers talking about this place.

"Hey! Is anyone here?!" I shouted as I wandered around the town.

It was oddly empty. Maybe I should just wake myself up.

"Jackson?" Chopper called out as he flew towards me.

He was here?! Ok, what is going on?! This cannot be happening. Chopper should be at his world. He is pretty punctual when it comes to being back to his world.

"Do you know where we are?" I asked him as we wandered around this odd town.

"Traverse Town, but this is the town during night" someone said.

We looked up to see someone standing on the tip of the roof with LoganS behind him! What is going on?

"Hello there. Logan has told me a lot about you. I am Joshua. His personal guardian" Joshua introduced with a smirk as he moved his hair out of his face, "We've run into a bit of a problem in the dream worlds, and we were hoping you could help us"

"Depends on what it is" I offered as I crossed my arms around my chest.

"A certain nightmare is running around this world. We need some help trying to catch it. All you have to do is trap it in one place. Think you can handle that?" he asked.

I thought about this. I can do it. It won't be that hard.

"What's in it for me?" I asked seriously.

"You will be excused for three days of schools and will not have to make up any homework" he offered simply as Logan's jaw dropped.

"You've got yourself a deal!" I said excitedly.

"Why don't you do that with me?" Logan asked annoyed.

"Because you should do your homework. Jackson at least attempts his homework. Now, you and your guardian need to divide and search for the nightmare while Logan and I attempt to prepare our grand attack" Joshua answered with a laugh.

I have no idea what that meant, but regardless, I need extra sleep days and don't mind killing a nightmare to get it. I just wonder why he chose me. Maybe because he knows how strong I am and how easy this is going to be for me to defeat it. Yeah, that must be it!

"Alright, then Chopper will go to the left while I head to the right" I said as I prepared to push the doors open.

"Ok, just remember, if you need to leave or don't feel ready for this, then snap your fingers. I'll be there to help you" Joshua said.

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