Chapter 66: Lex, To Prepare My Speech

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                I wanted to lead our school's finance committee this year. Luckily, we are holding meetings soon to decide who will lead certain areas of the school this year. I've worked hard to prepare for my speech, so I won't let anyone stop. Not even Nina and the rest of the Dreamers can stop me from doing this.

"Are sure you're ready?" Cheren asked cautiously.

"Of course. No one is going to stop me nor prevent me from winning" I reassured him as I was going over some notes.

I glanced at my sapphire pen. It was a neat trick to have, but it was kind of odd at times. Well, time to start my campaign.

"Well, then what are you going to do?" Cheren asked as he turned the page of his book.

He wasn't fully invested in my campaign, but he was here to help me. As if I could cause any trouble. I am not like those irrational imbeciles that I am surrounded by who have no disregards for the safety and concern of the school.

"Do you think I should make some room for the budget for safety?" I asked him as I continued to write my paper.

"I think you will get some attention as well as laughs about that proclamation. I don't think everyone will be entirely on board" he pointed out as he looked up from his book.

I suppose he has a point. I would need to address some issues with the school's budget and possibly fix it to accommodate some extra needs.

"What about the school's budget?" I asked him as he twirled the pen in hand.

"That would be an interesting idea to tackle. What would you do with the budget?" Cheren asked as he put his book down and looked at me with an interested look.

I didn't think about it too deeply. Maybe something for our grade. If I could get enough students to vote for me, I could use the money to benefit our grade somehow.

"I could use our school's budget to fix the building and make another building for the arts" I suggested as I wrote a few sentences down on the piece of paper.

"Keep going. You're almost there" Cheren said as he looked at his phone.

I continued to write more sentences down as I began to think of a plan. Maybe I can adjust the budget for sports as well... I know some people do not appreciate the sports, but I do know people always enjoy a good sports game.

"Sport building?" I suggested.

"More. Think about your powers" Cheren stated with a proud smile.

"Magic, Art, and Sport building" I said impressed.

I don't know how those Dreamers, but they were able to pick the perfect guardian for someone like me.

"There you go. The perfect way to get everyone on board. I would be able to get the most votes that way" I stated in a matter of fact tone.

I stood up as finished writing down a few notes.

"Ok, I'm going to talk to Grace. I'll tell her I am on the ballet for leader of the Finance committee" I said as I departed from my room.

"Good luck" Cheren said as he picked up his book and began to read again.

I quietly made my way to the Chapel and found Grace and Joey handling some papers for next year. Joey was already going to be our president. It was too obvious. He's popular, strong, and handsome. He's also very amiable with our classmates and other students. As for Grace B, she is charge of speech, debate, ballet, and Model UN. She's the smart, pretty, and talented. I can see why she is in second in command with Joey.

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