Chapter 39: Joey, On with the Show!

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               The next school play is coming up and I need to organize it. Besides from being mayor of our school, I also direct the school play. It did keep me busy, but I was able to enjoy it with my friends. The one thing I was scared of was the Dreamers. I had asked Nina to make sure that there was no trouble with the play like last year.

"Alright! Let's start with rehearsal!" I ordered as I walked around the stage.

We were doing Beauty and the Beast this time. My grade was running around and causing chaos as usual except the Dreamers were not here to mess it up. This was half bad and good. Some of the Dreamers were going to help with the play again this year, but their enemies were causing trouble again.

"Joe! We have a problem!" Henry shouted as he opened a trap door near my feet.

"What is it?" I asked him with worry.

He just motioned for me to come down and see the mess for myself. I was bit worried, but I followed him. I saw the problem now. The power generator was out of power, but this has never happened before. My elder brother, Jack, never had this problem either.

"I'll see if I can find the source of this" I answered him unsure.

I began to investigate this while the rest of the actors were practicing their lines for the play. I just couldn't find a problem with this thing!

"Joe! Are you here?" Mikala asked as she opened the trapped door.

She jumped in with Logan behind her. They looked at the generator, and Logan noticed what the problem was. He decided to fix up the generator while I went back to work. The next day, I saw Sarah and Jay practicing their lines for the play.

"Help!" Mira shouted in a panic.

She ran into the stage with a panicked look on her face. Sarah rushed to her friend with Jay behind her.

"What's wrong?" they asked her calmly.

"The makeup! The dresses! Everything!" she said with a cry.

We rushed to the dressing room and gasped in shock. The rooms were a mess, and the dresses were ruined!

"What happened?" Jay asked as he examined the damaged outfits.

"I am not sure. When I went to check the outfits, I found it like this!" Mira answered in a panic.

"But how? Only our grade should know the spell to enter this room" I said seriously.

This was wrong. First the generator and now this? Something was clearly wrong.

"Sigh, it took us weeks to prepare those outfits..." Jay mumbled under his breath.

"I'm sorry, Mira. We will need your Form element again" Sarah said annoyed.

Mira sighed as she walked to the dressing seat.

"I'll get Beth, Mikala, and Sid" I said as I rushed out of the room.

We will need those costumes done quickly. I rushed to the stage to see if I could find them, but I found Nina, Jodi, and Jesa working on the sets.

"Hey! Has anything happened here?" I asked them urgently.

Nina turned around and said "Nope! No heartless or enemy in site!"

That was a relief, but this doesn't make sense. Who was doing this? I found Beth, Mikala, and Sid together in the art room thinking of new artworks for the musical.

"What's wrong?" Beth asked me worriedly as she tapped a small genie bottle.

"The costumes are destroyed. You'll have to redo everything" I said annoyed.

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