Chapter 36: Beth, Artist Touch

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              I drew many paintings and drew many drawings! They were my joy. I loved to create new pieces of art, but I was too shy and nervous to show them. Despite what Mary and Nina say, I'm nervous about what others would think of my artwork. I wanted to show my friends my art and others, but I would sometimes be worried about what others would think when they see my artworks.

"These look great Beth!" Ninjini said as she looked at my art.

"Thanks, but I hope the Dreamers won't take it too far" I said to her.

"Have they done anything that reckless to destroy art?" Ninjini asked curiously.

"Yes. Several times" I replied annoyed.

I like the Dreamers, but sometimes, I don't. They would be a handful at times. The musicals were nearly destroyed and I can't count how many times the school has been blown up. I have friends who are Dreamers, but I wish they won't destroy anything this time. Oh, that's right. The fine arts night is coming up soon. Nina's a photographer, Mary's a singer, and Jodi plays the violin. Our other friends join in too, but I don't know what's going to happen on that night.

"Hehe! Mr. Perfect is going to have a wonderful night!" Nina said happily.

"I hope so. All your work and your friend's work is really important" Amy said as helped hang some photos up.

"I just hope there will be no attacks. We've been so busy these last few days that it would be nice to have a break from attacks" Cosmos said as she placed a prop on a stand.

"I agree. I don't want my concert to be interrupted" Mary said as she looked at her sheet.

I placed some of the books up as Ninjini prepared some of works on a stand.

"So, what happens on the Fine Arts Night?" Ninjini asked calmly.

"Well, we have a few concerts. First is the slideshow with the Music tech class work playing in the background" I said first as I pinned a few photos up.

"Then the strings class performs, then band, and last is choir. I think" Nina said unsure of herself.

"Well, choir has two performances. One is the regular class and then it's the chamber class. Then I'm going to perform. The last performance is the theater group" Mary explained thoughtfully.

"Wow, sounds like a big night. Anything else happen?" Cosmos asked in an amazed tone.

"Well there are awards" Nina mentioned as she placed her last photo up.

"Do you think any of you would win it?" Amy asked as she sat down and had a bottle of water to herself.

"I hope so! You are wonderful at the arts!" Cosmos said happily.

"As do I. I think you are all wonderfully talented young girls" Ninjini agreed happily.

We all blushed or were embarrassed by their complements. Sid, Gabe, and Paige were talking about their performance. I think they were performing for Sky Fall from the James Bond movie.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" Gabe asked as he entered the Commons.

"Pretty good. We finished the Photograph's class photos" Nina answered excitedly.

"Great! I can't wait for tonight!" Paige commented happily.

"It's going to be a great night!" Sid added as he looked at the photos.

"Now let's just hope there won't be any attacks" Amy whispered to Cosmos and Ninjini.

We each left for our rooms to get ready for the Fine Arts Night. It was going to be a night to remember.

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