Chapter 53: Krystka, Play Stress

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            I am the captain of the set crew team, but I have to make sure everything runs smoothly. Oh, and on top of this I have a ton of homework. Why did I think taking two math classes was a good idea? Why? Also, we need food. A lot of food for this. The only way this could make things worse is if Nina doesn't control the Dreamers. I do not want anything destroyed.

"I suggest you relax. Stressing about something doesn't help anyone" Seliel said as she worked on some smoke bullets.

Oh, right. She's Seliel. My guardian. She's also the Master of Ghost and the daughter of the mayor of Norm. Guess what that means for me? I am also the Master of Ghost, and I need to learn how to control my powers! I do not need this in life! Then a small object hit my face, and dust covered my face. I took my glasses off and looked at Seliel. She smirked at me as I wiped the dust off my glasses.

"Why did you do that?" I asked annoyed.

"If there is one thing, I've learned about stress is to control it before it controls you" she said simply.

She went back to making her smoke bullets, but I don't think that's how stress works. If that was the case, then I wouldn't bite my nails anymore nor freak out about applying to college nor the play that is supposed to happen. I sat on my bed as I worked on my homework.

"So, besides the play and the dreading fear of applying to college, what else is going on in your life?" Seliel asked as she stirred a bottle carefully.

"Well, everything else is just fine" I admitted.

That was actually true. Everything else in my life was just fine except for these issues. Though, the Dreamers issue might be a longer issue. I don't know how long the Dreamers have been having these kind of troubles, but it doesn't seem like there's an end. Well, I am sure they can figure it out. If they need any help, I will be there to support them. The sooner their fight is over, the sooner the world will be safe from these kind of issues. I glanced at my two cats. They were sleeping peacefully.

"Kystka!" Mikala shouted urgently.

Oh, no. That's not a good thing if she's running up here. I walked to the door and opened it to find her panicked expression. Seliel stopped her work and looked at Mikala. Oh, right. Mikala is the Master of Shadows. I wonder how close Seliel is with Shade, but she prefers Cole over any of the Elemental Masters.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"Well, one of the props got damaged. We need you to look at it" Mikala reported annoyed.

Of course, that happened! I stormed towards the Auditorium to examine the damage. Mikala ran towards the backstage and saw one of the cubes destroyed! How on earth did this happen?!

"Alright, just find Sadie and Beth. I'll find a few tools" I said seriously.

Seliel looked at the damaged cube.

"It can be repaired" she reassured me.

I was still angry. This is really getting annoying. Mikala ran into the Auditorium with Sadie and Beth. Seliel and I got to work on fixing the cube just as Sadie and Beth went to get some paints and brushes. We were able to finish the cube, so Sadie and Beth had to finish painting it again. It's a school play. Who would want to ruin it?

"Any suspects in mind?" Seliel asked me curiously.

I couldn't think of anyone besides Landon, but he was gone. There is no other person I can think of. Maybe it's not someone from here. I walked back to the cube. If I was right, then there should be some kind of markings around the cube. Seliel followed me and noticed the markings as well.

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