Chapter 18: Todd, Sports for All

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                              It was time for the Alliance Games. What are the Alliance Games you ask? These Games are supposed to be a way to celebrate my school, Canterbury, against our rival school, Homestead. I was really looking forward to this because I was going to help represent our school and I would definitely defeat them in any matches! Luckily most of the events were going to be sports events, so I would easily win and beat them. Neku was going to help me train, but that is going to be after I finish my homework.

"Are you done yet?" asked Neku as he was playing loud and rock music on his headphones.

I was getting annoyed with him. He was always annoying me when it came to my homework, but it wasn't my fault that the school gave so much homework. However, Neku annoying me, wasn't going to help me get my homework done! I tried music, TV, video games, and food to get him to shut up or leave me alone when it came to homework, but it only fueled him more. I swear, Sora just made Neku even worse than he was before. I heard that guardians were supposed to help us with our work and problems, not causing more trouble for us, or that is what Nina told me at least. I decided to finish my Adv Algebra 2 homework and then teach Neku a lesson about how I need my space and quiet time to do my homework. I would have to do it later, because of the Games.

"Ok, now I have to go to the Games, bye Neku!" I said with joy as I ran to the door.

However, Neku stepped in front of the door and he stopped me from leaving. I glared at him.

"What are you doing?" I asked with suspicion in my voice.

"You didn't finish all of your homework. Finish it and then you can go to the game" he said with no emotion in his voice.

How did he know?

"I have a planner with the homework you need to do. Master Yen Sid gave it to us when we signed up to be guardians" explained Neku.

I swear to Gods, he was reading my mind.

"But I am on the Team for the Games" I countered against him.

He knew sports mean a lot to me, so he would let me go.

"Well then you SOL if you don't finish your homework" he replied to me.

I couldn't believe this!! Why was he doing this to me?! I need to get the Games by any means necessary. I pushed my way to the door, but Neku grab my shirt and locked the door. He placed me at my desk.

"Finish your homework and then I'll unlock the doors and let you go to the Games" he offered me, but it was rather forced.

I saw the window. I ran to the window, but it was locked! How?!

"I knew you would do something crazy, so I locked the windows and any other way out of here" he said to me.

He basically trapped me in my own room. Clever. I did my Adv Bio homework, and then I finished my English homework. All I had left was Spanish homework that was due on Friday and it was Wednesday, so I was going to do it tomorrow during my prep.

"I am done" I told Neku who was listening to a new song on his headphones.

He looked at me and then at his planer.

He looked back at me and said "What about Spanish?"

I gritted my teeth. Are you fudging kidding me?! Does he even know when things are due?! That assignment wasn't due until Friday! It is Wednesday and I have a prep!! I could get it done then! It would be fine and easy!

"I don't have to do that assignment until Thursday" I told him as calmly as I could.

Neku thought about it and then he said "Do half of the sheet and then you can go"

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