Chapter 30: Hope, Jump Up!

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I was busy with homework. I enjoyed learning new information, but I would really enjoy some free time with my friends. High school took up most of my life. I soon found myself preparing for college and writing papers for my English class. Sigh. I wish things could be better for us.

"Hope!" Grace Gally shouted as she approached me excitedly.

"What's up?" I asked her as I was putting some of my books away in my locker.

"I got us tickets for the primer of the Mean Girls movie showing!" she answered me excitedly.

I was super excited for this! It was going to be at Jefferson Pointe and we could do some shopping. Grace also invited Joey, Jimmy, Nathan, and Nicole to the mall too. It was going to be a fun and relaxing day at the mall. It was something I needed after all of the hard work at school. We would meet up near the giant fountain.

"Ready?" Grace asked me as she knocked on my door.

"Almost" I replied as I was tying up my hair.

I preferred my hair typed up. It kept my hair out of my face. I opened my door and Grace and I headed for the fountain. Nicole would meet us later and the boys would meet us there. However, we wanted to browse at some stores before we could go and watch the movie. I could never understand why the boys wanted to come with us.

"Oh! I need to find some new bags!" Grace remembered suddenly as we entered Vera Bradly.

I looked at some of their new designs while Grace asked a few questions to the cashiers. However, a fancy lady with a black and white fur coat entered the shop. She looked very familiar to me. Once Grace was done, we left the shop.

"Hey, did that lady look familiar to you?" I asked.

"Sort of. Is it one of the enemies the Dreamers fought before?" she asked me.

"I don't know" I replied truthfully.

She just looked so familiar to me. It was on the tip of my tongue. We walked to the fountain and saw Jimmy, Joey, and Nathan with some dogs. These dogs were Dalmatians. I finally pieced together who that lady was.

"Guys, whose puppies are these?" I asked them nervously.

"Uh well, they just appeared" Jinny answered as one of them licked his cheeks.

"Define appeared?" I asked them nervously.

"Like a shiny light appeared and then all 15 of them fell from the sky!" Nathan replied laughing as 6 of them licked his face.

"Guys! These are puppies from London!" I remembered as I looked at them.

"What?" Jimmy asked confused.

Nicole then rushed in with Jade Flashwing. They looked worried and anxious about something.

"Guys! 15 Dalmatian puppies are missing! Have you seen them?" Nicole asked urgently.

"They're here" I answered as I stepped aside.

Nicole was both reveled and worried.

"Please tell me none of you saw Cruella Devile?" she asked worriedly.

"Yes, she was at Vera Bradly" I answered her.

"Ok, we need to hide the puppies and get a keyhole opened or call Joshua. These puppies cannot stay with us" Nicole explained.

"Ok, I'll call LoganS and then he can get his guardian to come" Nathan reassured as he took his phone out.

"Ok, but where do we hide the puppies?" Joey asked.

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