Chapter 7: Taylor Strangest Day of My Life

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              Ok, so I go to a school that teaches me how to control my magic, that's a bit strange but normal to me. So meeting sixteen people that would cause havoc and excitement at the school that is a bit crazy and unusual to me. However, opening multiple portals and gateways to other worlds is the thing that really freaks me out, because now I have got a guardian that is actually really cute and strong to me. His name is Wreaking Ball. He's really like a dog to me. We usual play catch and he would help me anything that bothered me. However, today I had to go to his world, Skylands, and help him with something important.

"Ok, so I finally get to see your home. I can't wait to see it" I told him.

He jumped up and down in joy and I was happy too. We met up with Beth, Ninjini, Gracie, Minijini, Chase, Hoop Loop, Déjà vu, and Alina at the Commons. Alex and Spyro flew in and landed in front of us.

"Hey, everyone!!!! Are you ready to go to Skylands?!" asked Alex in an eager tone.

Everyone replied "Yes!!!"

I have to keep remembering that Alex is really quiet younger than the other Dreamers, except for Nerissa. The both of them are very strong and Jiwon believes that they have a great and important destine ahead of them.

"Ok! I am going to open the gate then!" said Alex and he summoned Oblivion and a keyhole appeared above them.

He pointed his keyblade at the keyhole and they opened the door to Skylands. We crossed over to Skylands and when I arrived, I saw floating stones and ancient dragon statues along with ancient building structures that mirrored the Roman's a bit. Alex and Spyro walked in front of us.

Spyro turned around and said "Ok Magic Skylanders, take your friends over to the Magic Chamber and show them around in there since they will mostly be spending their time in their"

They nodded in unison and they looked at us in joy. We then rushed over to the Magic Chamber. There was a purple giant doors blocking it and Spyro gave a low growl and the doors opened. The room was filled with purple clouds and low pink lighting in the room. Beth and Chase jumped in first and they laid on the clouds as Ninijini and Hoop Loop joined them. Alina walked in and she asked Déjà vu how they get the things they need to survive. Déjà vu tried to remember but she couldn't seem to. Alex jumped into the room and stood in the room for a while as he thought of something.

"Ok! I need a book about Pokémon please!" he asked with a plea.

Everyone looked at with concern and then a blue book about Pokémon appeared and landed on his hands carefully.

"You can ask the room nicely for what you need!" he explained to them.

We were shocked but Spyro then said "It will work only if you are dragon or if you are linked to a Magic Skylander"

That made sense to me. I looked at Wreaking Ball and he looked hungry.

"Hey, Alex when do we eat?" I asked him.

"Oh we can eat now! Sorry I forgot about that! Here I'll take you all to the mess hall" said Alex in a nervous manner and we followed him to a giant mess hall with a golden table and golden chairs.

We each sat in our own chairs. Spyro gave out a light roar and then all of our favorite foods appeared in front us! Everyone ate the food without hesitating. Wreaking Ball seemed very pleased with his food too, and I was pretty much happy with mine. I loved eating sushi but I didn't think they would get me some. I ate the food without thinking too and it was delicious. After we were done eating, Wreaking Ball wanted to play some catch so we went outside and I got out his favorite ball. We played catch for a while until I felt something wrong with the area. We stopped playing ball and we headed back to the Magic Chamber. We felt the darkness getting stronger and then we stopped near the entrance to the Chamber. We saw a dark dragon in front of the Magic Chamber and the other Magic Skylanders along with my friends were in the Magic Chamber and they were trapped inside it! Alex and Spyro were trying to break them out of the Chamber but a dark dragon was guarding the Magic Chamber.

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