Chapter 17: Gabby, This Picture has a Thousand Meanings

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                       Well a long time ago, in a school far far away, there lived a girl who had one goal, to take the best picture ever for her film and photography class! Yep! That's my homework assignment for the week and today was Friday, meaning I only have two more days until Monday when the assignment is due. It wouldn't be too hard, because I was going to another world to take the photo. I usually help the photo and film department with their work, but today was the day that I would take the best photo in all of the worlds! Now then, which world to start with?

P.I.X.A.L walked into my room as she saw me on my computer researching worlds and she said "Gabby, are you ready to head to Ransei?"

I instantly froze. I had forgotten that I was supposed to help Jack and Mary with something on Ransei, because Nina and Minnie were off to the Destiny Island for the weekend because of something Sora had done.

"Sure thing" I said to her and then I went to pack my bags.

P.I.X.A.L looked perplexed at what I was doing and then she said "You have forgotten about the trip to Ransei didn't you?"

I replied "Yeah a bit, sorry"

P.I.X.A.L sighed and replied "I will wait for you downstairs in the Commons for you"

She then walked out of my room and then I packed up my bags. I took my camera with me, because Ransei is a beautiful place and I could take amazing pictures there even though it is not a futuristic type of place like the DC Nation world. I arrived at the Commons and saw Jack, Mary, Soren and P.I.X.A.L talking with each other while a bunch of other students were talking amongst themselves about Vine and YouTube. I walked up to them.

"Alright, are we ready to go?" asked Soren as he summoned his Kingdom Key.

"Yes" said Jack as he glanced at us.

Soren smiled and he pointed his keyblade at the sky and then a keyhole appeared. He opened the keyhole and we walked through it. We appeared at the Kingdom of Aurora and we saw two girls and one boy standing at the gate of the castle. They were making jokes and having fun with each other.

"Hey their Lord David and Lady Krystal" greeted Mary as she waved to them.

"Hello to you, Carrie. Where is Ryan?" said Jack as he bowed to the two Lords.

They turned around and they greeted them too.

"He was busy with his game, so he could not be here with us. Please, you do not have to be formal with us" said Lord David as his Leafeon walked up to him.

"Yeah! We really need your help!" added Lady Krystal as her Glaceon stood beside her.

"What is the problem?" asked Mary as she and Carrie stood talking to each other.

"Well this world is special remember? It has three continents in total. Ransei, Land of Warriors, and the Mystic World" said Lord David.

We, and by we I mean Soren, Mary, Jack, and the other Dreamers, knew that.

"Well our world is also able to support The Ninjas and The Wielders, but I wonder why?" explained Lord David as he glanced at Carrie.

"So? Why does this concern you now?" asked Jack.

"Well a few days ago, someone from the Mystic Realm claimed to have known the reason and then he set fire to Nixtorm" explained Lady Krystal in a thoughtful and concerning tone.

Our jaws dropped open a bit as we heard that news.

"So I am guessing Mitsuhide is mad and Gracia and Mitsunrai came back to Ransei to figure out why that attack happen?" asked P.I.X.A.L as she looked at something on her wrist.

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