Chapter 56: Jimmy, My Dream

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          I was very worried, no that wasn't the right word. I am anxious! That's it! Ok, so in one day, I am going to perform a song for my school and for college ambassadors! I wanted to go to Boston so bad! I wanted to do something with my music. It is my life while my twin brother, Joey, enjoyed his spotlight on the stage. Oh! I just remembered something! I ran towards Sarah and Nina. I need to make sure no one ruins my performance. This is very important to me!

"Don't worry, Jimmy. We got this" Nina reassured me calmly.

"We will make sure nothing happens. Unlike last time" Sarah stated as she glared at Nina.

Nina let out a nervous laugh as she smiled at her friend. Those two are really odd friends. Nina was so loud while Sarah remined cold and quiet. I trust them though. I know they won't let me down.

"Is Tienro coming?" Nina asked curiously.

"He should be. He said his gang are done with their practice today" I answered her.

"Are your powers ok?" Sarah asked calmly.

Oh, right. I am the Descendant of the Pearl along with my twin brother. The two could only use our powers together.

"It's ok. Nothing too crazy has happened" I told her.

I held up my pearl guitar pick to show them. Nina was amazed by this while Sarah just nodded her head. After the Dreamers restored our powers, Preselzee wanted us to have our powers on hand. She created items from the Notebook and allowed us to use an item to fight the enemies. I thought her idea was a bit crazy, but she insisted on it. She wanted us to be prepared for anything and safe from incoming threats. As I recall though, we are supposed to be protecting her. She is supposed to be a queen or something.

"I'm grateful it worked. We still don't know anything about this Notebook and Journal" Nina said as she flipped through the pages of the Notebook.

This was the same Notebook Nina wrote in and recorded all the events that had happened in our schools. Soren recorded other information in the Journal. The two of those items were able to create anything though there were some really odd rules with it. I wonder if they will ever discover the true potential of those items.

"Well, get warmed up! We've got this!" Nina reassured as she walked out of the Chapel.

Sarah sighed as she turned and followed Nina. I smiled at the two of them as I walked to the stage. Now, let's try my magic out! I ran to the stage as I held my pearl guitar pick. I picked my guitar and strum up a few notes. It sounded good! Ok, now let's play a loud note! I stood up on the stage with my guitar and pick. I strung a loud note, and it echoed through out the auditorium! Actually, I shock the entire auditorium! Whoops.

"JIMMY HAINES!" Mr. O shouted loudly.

Did I break the glass again? I placed my guitar on the ground and went outside. Whoops.... Yeah, I shattered the windows... All the windows near the Auditorium were shattered and it is the middle of winter.

"How much money do I have to pay?" I asked a bit nervously.

Mr. O began to calm himself down as he tried to think. I am in for it... I was sitting in the office as he called my parents from California. Joey was waiting outside for me. The doors opened and I saw Tienro! He looked very worried and tired. I think he left his dancing group for me again. Once he saw me, he was relieved and sat next to me in a chair.

"Strung a loud note this time?" he asked me impressed.

I smiled at him as I told him about my warm up. He laughed a bit, but he was serious.

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