Chapter 15: Tanner, The Perfect Way to get an A+ without even Trying!

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              Ah film class, the best class of the day really. I was surprised to see that my classmates were Soren, Nina, and Nish. Two Dreamers in one class was crazy considering I have Jesa and Mary in one class together and they wouldn't stop fangirling about anime. I sat with them and Nish was trying to convince Soren to understand something that he probably didn't care about. Mr. King handed out our assignments and told us our groups. I looked at the sheet of paper closely.

Film class assignment number 5

Objective: Take a film and edit it into your favor. Make the film better in your opinion.

Director: Tanner.

Camera Person: Nina.

Editor: Soren.

Assistant Director: Nish.

Extras: Sara, Noah, and Colin. (And others if you want)

This was not half bad of a group really. I was director so that would make this very simple for the film I was thinking of. I looked at my members of my group. I saw Soren talking to Nish about something and pulled Soren aside.

"Can we by chance get some more equipment from Tails?" I asked him.

Soren glanced at our friends and then said "Sure, I don't see why not"

He summoned his Kingdom Key and opened the keyhole to Mobius. He and I walked to Tails' Lab. Sonic sped in and he winked at us, but then he looked at us with a serious look on his face.

He walked up to Soren and then he asked" What are you doing here Soren? Shouldn't you be in class?"

"I know and I am doing something for class right her really" he said to him.

Sonic shrugged his shoulders and asked "Ok so what do you need?"

Soren glanced at me and then I looked around Tails' Lab for the new camera he had made. I walked around the lab and I found it! It looked like it was a Sony camera but more advance. I thanked Soren for opening the way to the Mobius and I asked him to open the way back to our world. Just as Soren was about to open the way back to our world, Sonic sped in front of us with a serious look on his face.

"What are you going to do with that?" asked Sonic as he pointed at the camera.

"Film class" Soren told him.

"Look as a responsible guardian I am, I should tell you two what you should really do with that camera" said Sonic in a noble and responsible manner for once.

We looked at him as Soren asked "Ok then what should we do with it?"

"Have fun with it!" he said in a joyfully and annoying manner.

Yeah that's the Sonic I know and love. Soren opened the way back for us and we were outside the library. Nish was talking to the crew and we began to make script. I was supposed to make a short piece that took a film's original shot and make it better or make a 5 minute commercial. I went with a commercial and then I wrote a script for my commercial. I decided to do my commercial in honor of the new Star Wars movie. I was going to do a Star Wars timeline of the first three and not the prequels, because those were god awful movies. Anyway, I had to cast a Luke, Han, Leia, R2, C3, and, of course, Darth Vader! So according to the script I had to use all of the actors first and then I could get other actors to do this with me. Nina came up to me with pleading eyes.

"Hey, could I be Leia by chance?" she asked me.

"No" I told her.


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