Chapter 3: Bobby, Set it Off with a BANG!

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GAME NIGHT!! What's game night you ask? Well it's a night in every month that my friends and I would hang out at Nina's room and play any video game for about 5 hours with no breaks and we would only eat chips, cookies, and other sugary treats, we would only drink pop and water, and we would watch marvel movies. Oh and I'm Bobby and my guardian is Bean the Dynamite Duck. I made my way to Nina's room and I knocked on the door. She opened the door.

"Hey Bobby! Come in! We were just about to get started!" she said joyfully and she let me in.

I saw Soren, Jack, Connor, Logan, Cole, Michael, and Alex playing Super Smash Bros on with Wii U, Ben and Perry were working on something important on Ben's laptop, Jesa, Morgan, Paige, and Mary were watching anime, Jiwon, Jodi, Phoebe, and Nerissa were reading a book, and the others were listening to music.

"Ok guys, let's gets this Game Night going!!" Nina shouted in a joyful tone.

I grab a wii controller and then I picked Ganondorf, Soren chose Sonic, Jack was Roy, Connor was Charizard, Logan was Greninja, Cole was Solid Snake, Michael is Ike, Alex is Marth, and Nina was Dark Pit. They smashed at each other as Preselzee was playing some miku music and everyone else was cheering on a person in the match. It was getting intense especially when Nina grab the smash ball. She used the smash ball when Sonic, Charizard, Greninja, and Marth were in a line and they were forced out of the area! Everyone shouted in joy and disbelief! Soren, Logan, Connor, and Alex were out and it was only Nina, Cole, Michael and me are still in. Cole tried to blast Nina out of the map and I tried to smash Michael out of the match, but he countered me and I was shot out of the area! Nina charged up her attack and she shot a beam at Cole, but he countered it with his attack. Nina hoped for this and she used Dark Pit's shield and reflected it back at him and he was launched out of the area! Everyone saw Michael and against Nina and it was a tight match. However, Michael reflected Nina's attack and she was knocked out of the area and she was out. Michael was the winner! He stood and cheered like somebody from "We are the Champions" or something. He was so happy. I then I asked Nina what movie we were going to watch. She got up and took out threes blu-ray disc.

"Ok we have Avengers Age of Ultron, Ant-Man, and X-Men Days of Future Past" said Nina in a joyful tone.

"X-MEN!" shouted my friends in unison.

Nina nodded and she put in the disc and the movie began to play. After we watch the part where Wolverine made it to the past, someone knocked on Nina's door. She walked over to the door and she saw no one there, but then a Sentinal appeared! She closed the door as she screamed! We all jumped as Nina rushed back to her friends. The Sentinals rammed through the door and then Ben created a Data wall that stopped the Sentinals from coming in!

"Soren! Nina! Did you create this?!" asked Ben as he tried to stop the Sentinals.

"No!" they said in unison.

"Energy Pulse" said Nerissa and she shot a beam of energy at the Sentinals and they were forced out of the room.

"Logan, create a portal and get us out of here!" ordered Ben in an urgent manner.

Logan took out his Realm Crystal and created a portal. Everyone jumped into the portal except for Ben!

"Ben we have to go! It's now or never!" shouted Logan.

He nodded and then he released the Data Wall, jumped into the portal and Logan followed him as the portal closed. They were through into the Commons and they looked tired.

"Ok which one you idiots thought it would be a good idea to create Sentinals and make them lose in the school?!" shouted Ben in an angry manner at us.

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