Chapter 60: Reliey, Home Run to Happiness

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           I was managing the softball team for a few days. Sarah was hanging out with Nina and the Dreamers for a while. I don't know when she'll be back, but for now, I am going to do my best and manage this team somehow! Actually, I have no idea how to manage this team. I can't even manage my homework.

"I think we should focus on that" Emma said as she held her best friend in her arms, "At least Mr. Looker recommends this"

"Relax! I am trying at least. It bets not trying" I told her.

She simply sighed at me as I picked up my softball bat. I decided to go out and practice a few sings. Emma quietly followed me out of my room. I went to the baseball field and set up the machine. I stood at the home plate and waited for the machine to start. I took a few swings as the balls flew towards me. I was able to hit balls away from me. So far, good home runs.

"Do you need to keep practicing like that?" Emma asked curiously as she sat down in the stands.

"Yes! I've got to do my part for the team and help win!" I shouted as I continued to hit another softball.

"But why work this hard when it is only for this part in your life?" she asked me.

I stopped concentrating on my swing and took a step back from home base.

"I am going to continue playing softball for a very long time. I don't plan to stop" I told her.

"But what is the purpose of that?" Emma asked sadly.

Is she going to be always like this? I really hope not. This is kind of depressing.

"Well, I like this sport. I enjoy it. It makes me happy. I also love to see other people excited during the game" I answered her.

Emma didn't say anything, but she remained quiet throughout the rest of my practice. I was pretty tired when practice was over. I sat down and poured some water over me. Oh, that was very refreshing.

"I still don't understand. Why?" Emma asked me again as she sat down next to me.

Ok, so this conversation will just keep happening.

"Well, why are asking me this?" I asked her slightly annoyed.

"I was caught up in a battle before I meet you. I retained some of my abilities, but I also began to question a few things afterwards. I questioned everything to an extent" Emma explained as she let her friend go.

"Well, that sounds kind of stupid" I stated as I wiped my face.

Emma titled her head in confusion as I looked at the sun setting.

"If you start questioning life, then you will miss a chance to enjoy life. I like softball, because it makes me happy and enjoy myself" I answered strongly.

Emma seemed surprised at my statement. I gathered my belongings and began to walk back to my room. Emma quietly followed me. I hope I didn't hurt her feelings.

"What do you think of me in the time that we have meet?" she asked me.

"Well, you make my head hurt with your questioning, but that's it. I think you're fine as who you are" I stated in a matter of fact tone.

Emma began to think about this for a moment as she walked behind me. Maybe I was a bit hard on her when I talked about what I thought of life. Yeah, she's not wrong. There are times where I wanted to give up, but I had to persevere through it all. I guess if it weren't for all the challenges that life brings us, life wouldn't be as fun.

"Oh, someone is at your school" Emma said as he looked up to see an odd pale man with a device.

Does this seriously happen here?! Man... I held my bat as I motioned for Emma to be quiet. We quietly walked behind the odd man. Who was he? I have never meet him before. I would've remembered a person like him before.

"If I can trap them here, then maybe I can find that girl again and use her!" he murmured to himself.

He's looking for a girl to use?! That sounds very creepy! I could feel Emma shaking. I turned around and saw tears in her eyes!

"Are you ok?" I asked her concerned.

I suddenly felt like I was floating. I looked at the ground and saw my feet not touching the ground!

"What is going on?!" I shouted as I tried to reach from the ground.

"You know, you should be quieter if you are trying to be sneaky" the man said as he walked towards us.

He smiled when he saw Emma and Mimi. Wait, was he looking for them?!

"Now, come along with me Emma. We have things to do" he said simply.

"But I don't want to go away" she said weakly as she took a few steps back.

"Are you kidding me child?" he began as he walked towards her, "You have no life. You have no purpose in this world! You should know that by now!"

Wait, is that why Emma was asking me those questions? She was confused! This guy was responsible for this! I have to do something!

"Emma! That's not true! We can find your happiness! We can find your life!" I shouted loudly, "You can make your own life by finding your happiness!"

Emma was crying as Mimi stood in front of her.

"Oh, really? You can't even escape from my Malmar's hold. I don't think you understand what life is really like!" he boasted.

"I may not understand everything about life, but I do know people are different and have different interest! That's what makes life worth living" I shouted loudly.

Mimi jumped on top of Malmar and began to strike his head! Malmar released me as Emma pushed the man down. I landed on the ground as I picked up the softball bat.

"Mimi, pound!" Emma shouted as Mimi jabbed Malmar's head.

Mimi then landed on Emma's head as we stood against him.

"Xeorise, I will find what makes me happy and live a life I want. I won't let you ruin my life anymore" Emma stated proudly.

I smiled at her. That's the way to do it!

"As if you could stop me! Your Mimi isn't strong enough to fight me!" he shouted as his Malmar joined him.

I saw the machine. I have to get to it!

"Mimi is strong. Mimi Shadow Ball!" Emma shouted as Mimi created a small orb of darkness.

"Then I'll crush you!" Xeorise shouted as he charged at us.

"Reliey get to that machine. Break it" Emma said seriously.

"Got it!" I shouted as I charged at the machine.

I swung my softball bat and slammed it on the machine! I broke the forming barrier as I heard Xerosie cry out in agony.

"How dare you?! I have worked hard on this for so many years! I wanted to bring back my leader!" Xerosie said disgusted.

He was heading towards me, but Emma knocked him down as Mimi defeated Malmar. She then ran to me and made sure I was ok.

"Is he going to be ok?" I asked as I pointed my bat at him.

"I'm going to call Mr. Looker. He can take care of him for us" Emma reassured as she looked at him.

She quickly made a phone call to Mr. Looker, and he arrested Xeroise and took away Malmar. The two of us sat in my room enjoying ice cream.

"Thank you, Reliey" Emma said as she let Mimi lick her ice cream.

"What for? I really didn't do anything" I said as I continued to eat my ice cream.

"You told me I could make my own life. I didn't have to let others determine what my life should be. I can choose my happiness and find it. I didn't believe a person could do that until I meet you and two other trainers. I didn't know I could do this. Thank you" she explained as she gave me a warm smile.

"It was nothing. I'm glad I could help" I said with a light blush on my face.

Emma smiled at me as we continued to eat ice cream together in peace. Maybe we can do this. If we can help her find a way to be happy. I wouldn't mind it. It could be fun in its own way.

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