Chapter 33: Paige, Mother Mode

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I will get Nina for this! I know she loves to sing the Hetalia theme song, but singing the theme song more than 5 times a day is getting very annoying! Then Morgan is drinking too much monster and I need her to stop that and Alessia is shouting random youtube videos from Markiplier or Jacksepticeye! Why do I have to be the mother? Luckly, today was a quiet day for me. I was watching a new show called Hetalia with Roller Brawler. I showed it to Nina and she wasn't sure what to think IN THE BEGINNING! After a few years, Nina loved the show and watched all of the seasons in two days! Little did I know, when I got to school, I was horrified at what I saw.

"PASTA!!" shouted an Italian happily.

My eye twitched. Of all the days the Dreamers had to leave, THESE CHARACTERS SHOW UP?! I saw eight characters sitting in the Commons, yelling at each other. Beth, Krystka, and Sadie were trying to hide away from them while Morgan was drinking and eating with a man with glasses. A tall man with blonde hair was trying to keep his anger in and trying to refrain from yelling at his friends. I cleared my throat.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!!" I shouted angrily.

The blonde man was surprised and smiled at me while the others were scared of me. A gentleman approached me as he readjust his tie.

"I am so sorry about my behavior and my friends' behavior. They call me England, who are you?" he asked politely.

"I am Paige. How do you get here?" I replied as calm as I could.

"Well, to be honest, we were going to the World Meeting held in the center of the world. Something must've went wrong when we were departing and we ended up here. We are sorry about this" England explained apologetically.

I tried to understand this, but sometimes, they saw the weirdest things. I sighed defeatedly.

"Excuse ma'am, but do you know where we are? My name is mon nom est France" he replied and tried to kiss my hand.

I pulled it away before he could kiss it as the man with glasses replied "We are in Fort Wayne, Indiana!"

"You fool! Why didn't you say so sooner America?!" shouted a Chinese man.

"Well I'm not sure China. Oh! There's a McDonalds near here!" he replied and began to leave them.

"Aw don't leave America. Why don't you show us around here?" asked a Russian man creepily as he placed a hand on America's shoulder.

"Oh well, I don't know what to show you Russia" he replied happily.

The Japanese man was playing on a 3ds which caught Morgan's attention while the Italian was screaming pasta. This is the last time I tell Nina any of my favorite shows. However, I needed to find them a place to stay and not cause trouble, somehow. I needed to think. Krystka approached me.

"Do you have a plan?" she asked me as she glared at the countries.

"I think so. Make sure they don't leave the Commons" I replied as I ran to the cafeteria.

However, the blonde man followed me. I got on a chair and tried to reach for the American flag, but I was still short. I cursed as I failed to reach the flag. Just then, a hand grab the flag and pulled it down gently. I looked to my side and saw the blonde man holding the flag.

"Need help?" he asked me.

"Uh yes please. Thank you Mr. Germany" I replied as I took the flag and placed it on a table.

He looked at me surprised as he asked "Well you know my name, so what is your name?"

"I am Paige. Now please get your flag, Japan's, and Italy's" I replied as I went to get France's flag.

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