Chapter 6 Michael I: Don't Mine at Night with a Dreamer, Ever

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               After movie night and the most unexpected X-Men attack I was finally ready to sleep. I arrived at my room, fell face first onto my bed and was out. I didn't really care on that night if I slept through school that day, because of what happened last night. I woke up the sound of shouting from my guardian, Hugh. Yes this is the same Hugh from Pokémon Black and White 2, but I am going to be honest, I didn't think I would get him as a guardian. The Dreamers are just full of surprises.

"WAKE UP! YOU HAVE SCHOOL!" shouted Hugh in my ear loudly.

I swear I was going to be deaf by the end of this year if Hugh keeps yelling at me.

"I am up! So what classes did I miss already?" I asked him as I went to my closet and took out a clean shirt and pants.

"None" answered Hugh.

I couldn't believe it and then I asked "Wait, what time is it?"

"6:32 am" he said in a calm manner.

I glared at him and then I said "I am still early you ignoramus!"

He only shrugged and then he jumped out of my window and flew away on his Flygon. I growled at him. After I got dress and gathered my belongs for school, I went to the cafeteria and sat with the Dreamers along with Cole, Mikala, Gabe, Ryan, Jason, Stovien, Morgan, Beth, Phoebe, Sadie, Krystka, and Tanner. They were eating breakfast and talking about the next Marvel Movie coming out. I sat next to Mikala and she wasn't eating! This made me mad, but then the next thing I knew I hear Nina yelling. That was usual, but not Logan was doing with his Crystal. He was trying to get a better control of his powers since he was a new Dreamer, but so far, it wasn't going well from what I was hearing. Nina was screaming while Soren was trying to stop him.

"Logan, don't open a gate" warned Soren.

He wasn't trying to, but he ended up creating an explosion and that blew up in front of Soren's face. We laughed as he whipped the dust off of his face. Nina then told Logan to put the Crystal away and then the bell rang and we went to our classes. After school was done, I invited Tanner, Bobby, Soren, Logan, and Stovien at my room and we began to play Minecraft. It was fun until Bobby made an Ultron bug that blew up Soren and Logan. Actually that part was pretty funny. Later on, we went to bed and Logan and Soren slept over with me. Soren created some pickaxes, swords, and bows, using the journal, and we got to play with the weapons until we got tired. Late that night, I took Soren's journal and a pencil and I wanted to see what would happen if I would write in the journal. I wrote one of my favorite characters name in the book and nothing happened. That was a letdown, but then I went to bed. In the middle of the night, Logan was trying to create a portal to another realm. Obviously he had not learned his lesson from the last few months when he accidentally opened the doors to the other realms. I am Realm Keeper. The Realm Keeper to the Minecraft Realm which I am ok with. I shook Soren up and we saw Logan trying to open up a door to another realm.

"Logan it is too late for this. Can't you do this in the morning?" asked Soren as I pulled the covers off his bed.

However, he was asleep and the Crystal was floating in the air!

"Soren what should we do?" I asked him, but the Crystal started calling my name.

"Well I don't know why?" he replied and then I moved my hands toward the crystal.

"NO! DON'T TOUCH THAT!" shouted Soren, but I couldn't help myself.

Soren summoned his Kingdom Key, but it was too late. As soon I touched the crystal, a bright engulfed us! We opened my eyes, I saw the Realm that I was supposed to protect. I was in the Minecraft Realm and don't ask me how this is a realm to my world because I don't know how. Anyway I got up and then I walked around the area and then I found the house that Logan and the other Dreamers made when they came to the Realm. I opened the chest and then I took out some diamond armor and then walked out of the house. However, I heard screaming and then I saw Soren stuck in a web and a spider was crawling over to him. Luckily I remember to take the bow and I aimed the arrows at the spider. I released the arrow and it killed the spider.

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