Chapter 77: Justin, One More Goal

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                   The year is almost over, and I do not want to mess anything up. I got into a good college and my grades are good. I honestly do not want anything to ruin this last year. The Dreamers do not count in this case, because Nina has tried, I think, to keep her team from destroying everything. It just never works out.

"Just live your life. If you spend so much time worrying about it, you may never enjoy it" Cliff advised me.

That is easy for him to say considering he didn't have to go to college. He just works on the farm by himself. Though he does hang out with his friends at times too.

"I suppose you have a point there, but I kind of meant my homework and my essay" I told him.

"That advise was about your essay. Write your life" Cliff said seriously as he wrote something down in his notebook.

I wonder what he writes in that. Well, I should go out to the field and work on my soccer technique. I was aiming for a soccer scholarship. I wasn't as smart as Ben and Amelia, but I can play soccer really well. I got dressed, took my water bottle, and kicked my soccer ball out the window.

"Why did you do that?" Cliff asked annoyed but also relieved that I actually didn't scattered the window.

The window is usually open in my room once it is spring.

"Relax. It is fine" I reassured him as I left my room.

I was outside practicing a few goal kicks. I was juggling the ball when I heard a ball hit the net. I turned around and saw Amelia practicing her kicks as Whitely was checking on her Pokemon. I didn't expect her to be here nor outside. She's way too pretty to be playing a sport like this. I mean, she can do what she wants! I just do not understand why she is playing this sport. Maybe we can practice together.

"Hey! Amelia! How are you and Whitely doing?!" I asked joyfully as I ran towards her.

She seemed very surprised to see me coming towards her. I don't really know why, but I just thought we could practice together until we had to head back in.

"We are doing well. How are you? Where is your guardian?" she asked politely.

I didn't realize that Cliff wasn't here. He must be in my room or went back to his world to work. He doesn't really stay here for long considering he has to work on his farm and explore the ruins.

"He's not around, and I am doing well. I am just practicing my technique. What are you doing here?" I asked politely.

"I play soccer too. I am just not as passionate as you are" Amelia said, "I just practice alone and without anyone actually aware of it"

Really? I would never have guessed that. After all, she is very ladylike most of the times.

"Do you want to play a small game?" Amelia asked as she kicked the ball towards me.

"Sure!" I said as I kicked the ball towards her.

After a few minutes of playing the game, we were tied up. Man, she is good. I didn't know she played that well!

"How about we take a break?" I asked her.

"Sure. Whitely can you get us some water please?" she asked politely.

Whitely nodded as she left the field. The two of us sat down in the wet grass to relax for a bit.

"How are you so good?" I asked as I panted.

"Practice" she answered.

She really cuts to the chase with her words. She's still very pretty and calm with whatever she does. She was sitting down as she calmed her breathing. I wonder why she is doing that. I usually just hold my breath for a few minutes and then breath out. How can she calm her breath like that?

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