Chapter 83: David, A Weird Country

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                 I came to this country to find a better life. Instead, I found out that my annoying classmates were always doing something to cause trouble. Oh, and this girl, Nina, is super loud and causes the most trouble among our classmates. I do not quiet understand how these students can get away with this kind of behavior.

"I believe this is what they call a "cultural difference" Warnado answered.

"I agree" I said to him.

Oh, and we need guardians just in case something happens, and the Dreamers are not there to help us. This is even more annoying if your guardian is an idiot. Kind of like Nathan's.

"Just make sure my room is quiet. I have a lot of studying to do" I ordered Warnado as I sat at my desk.

"I don't think anyone will bother you today. It appears that the Dreamers have returned from their latest adventure" Warnado informed me, "Are you sure you won't enjoy your life?"

"I have to work to get into a good college" I answered him seriously.

He chuckled, "There is more to life than studying. I hope you know that"

He walked out of my room and stood in front of my door. He is pretty wise for being a turtle, but I just have to do my best for now. I came here to study, not to relax. My parents would be disappointed if I couldn't keep my studies up. As I was studying, there was a knock at my door. I walked to the door and found Lukas. He is my friend from China who also came with me to America. We've been friends since we came to this school.

"Let's talk to the Dreamers! They just came back from their recent adventure!" he said excitedly.

I rolled my eyes at him, "We have a very important physics test in two days. We should be studying"

"We've been studying all week! Let's take a break!" he tried to reason with me.

"No" I answered firmly.

He sighed and went on his way while I remained at my room. I didn't see Warnado. Maybe he went to ask the Dreamers about their adventures. Regardless, I have work to do. I finished studying in about thirty minutes. I decided to go to the common hall and get some food and water. It was oddly quiet here.

"Is their anyone here?" I asked aloud.

I didn't receive a response, so I shrugged and went back to my room. However, my door was gone. I took out my wand to tap the wall to make the door appear except the door didn't appear. Ok, what's going on? I need to make sure my homework is ready for tomorrow.

"Hey! Where's my room?!" I shouted annoyed as I looked for the door.

I stormed to the other end of the hallway to see if I could find my room, but it wasn't there! I was close to casting a powerful revel spell when Lukas stopped me from casting a spell.

"What are you doing?!" he shouted in a panic as he stopped me from casting a spell.

"Looking for my room" I answered him simply.

Lukas tilted his head in confusion when I said that.

"Are you trying to have fun?!" he asked excitedly.

This is not the time for that! I shook my head as I told him, again, that I was trying to find my room. Of course, Lukas didn't take that seriously. He decided to play along.

"Then why don't we go and find your room?" he joked.

I facepalmed. Why did I have a friend like him? Why? Lukas marched along happily to the other end of the hallway where the girls sleep! I pulled his arm back forcefully.

"Ow! Why did you do that?!" he asked as he felt his arm.

"Because that is the girls' hallway! We are not supposed to go there!" I explained to him.

"But what if your room is down there?" he asked.

I felt my blood turned cold as my face burn bright red. I found that embarrassing. I am not a girl! Also, I do not want to get in trouble! This is one of the rules you should not break! Lukas screamed as I covered my eyes when something flew past us.

"What was that?" Lukas asked sacredly as I turned around.

A robot? The two of us ducked when it charged towards us at full speed. I think this robot is actually after us! The both of us ran out of the Common Rooms and went to the Commons as the robot chased us. I really wish Lukas would stop screaming. It is not helping me.

"We need to smash the robot!" I shouted to me as we kept running.

"Do you known how?!" he shouted at me as he was running away faster.

I noticed some sprinklers were above us. I cast a fire spell and made the sprinklers go off. We both stopped to see the robot break down.

"That was quick thinking" Lukas said as he sat on the ground to take a few breaths in.

"Why was it chasing us?" I asked myself as I walked towards the robot.

This robot actually looked familiar to me. Maybe it was one of the Dreamers' guardians. regardless, I don't think it will be bothering us again. I hope. As I examined the washed-up robot, Lukas let out a gasp and shook his hands wildly to move me away from the robot which exploded!

"What the heck?!" I screamed as I landed next to Lukas.

"I don't know!" he shouted as we looked at the robot.

A tornado formed in front of us as Gravis and Warnado appeared in front of us. I really hope they do not think we were staying up past our curfew.

"Did you finally have fun?" Warnado asked me as his eyes lit up in delight.

I dropped to my knees defeatedly. Never mind! I don't know what this guardian wants me to do anymore!

"It looks like they did. But then again, the definition of fun is very different from mine I image" Gravis said as he examined the destroyed robot.

"So, why are you two out here after curfew?" Warnado asked curiously.

"My room disappeared" I told him.

Both of the guardians were very worried as they looked at me. Can I not get my room back?

"Oh! I know what you mean!" Warnado said as walked to the boys' hallway.

We were standing at the end of the hallway and waited. Warnado let out a roar and made the door appear. Lukas was fascinated by this as my jaw dropped in shock.

"What?! Why?!" I shouted at him annoyed.

"Whenever the Dreamers or their classmates have their enemies appear at the school, this hallway might get attacked. I decided to create a spell to hide your room from them. I know how important you study, so I also needed to make sure the room was be soundproof. I guess I forgot to remove the spell" he explained with a weak smile.

Why did he do that without my permission?! Wait, he did that to make sure I could study in peace? That was very nice of him.

"I was hoping you would get out more and enjoy your school, but I am glad to help you with what I can. I know it can be scarier being in an entirely different country, but I am glad to could help you" Warnado said with a smile.

I sighed. Ok, I should go out more.

"That's so nice! You are such a nice guardian!" Lukas exclaimed as he hugged Warnado.

Gravis just chuckled at Lukas and floated to Lukas.

"Why don't we head back to bed?" Gravis suggested as he waved his hand upward.

Lukas began to float in the air and flew after his guardian.

"Goodnight David!" he shouted happily.

He's such a weird friend.

"Come on, Warnado" I said as I entered the room.

Well, I am thankful to have such great friends who support me. If itwasn't for their support and friendship, I think I would be alone in my roomjust studying. I need a break here and there. Thanks for the wonderful friendswho are there for me whether I like their company or not.

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