Chapter 19: Lily, Halloween Bash

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                                  After the Dreamers had defeat the Deadly Six at the Halloween Party, it was time to relax and party for the rest of the night! Shiki was waiting with the other Wielders at their own Halloween Party that Jack Skellington was holding for them as thanks for helping his world out with their troubles. As for me, I was waiting for the best part about the party. This part of the Halloween Party, is where Connor and Preselzee would take over and show us the best parts of Halloween with a bit of Morgan's help with it along with Bobby's, due to Nina's recommendations. This was going to be amazing.

Connor and Preselzee got on the DJ stand and Connor spoke "So that unexpected right? Well under the Zeti attack, how is everyone?!"

He pointed the microphone he has in his hands and we screamed back at him in joy. We were really excited with what Preselzee and him were planning. It was going to be great.

"Well then, without any further delay, let the Halloween Bash commence!" shouted Preselzee at the microphone as she plugged in her Iphone 6.

She played a Halloween song that gave every chills and freights, but it was good! It was amazing. The next thing I knew, Bobby hit a switch on the side of the room and the lights turned orange, purple, and blacks light shined on us. Everyone began to dance to the beat of the song and take pictures with friends. It was a great party really. However, Soren stood in front of us and he had his Kingdom Key out.

"Alright now let's the spooks of Halloween into our world for a day!" he said as he opened the keyhole.

The next thing I knew, I saw Shiki and the other guardians coming out of the keyhole! Jack Skellington appeared too. He shouting "boo" and "happy Halloween" to everyone. His friends from Halloween Town soon entered the room and they were happy to see us. Soren locked the keyhole once everyone was in the room.

"Alright everyone are you ready for a Halloween to remember?" asked Jack Skellington as he looked at the crowd "Now it is time to pick the best costumes for tonight's Halloween Bash!"

Everyone seemed for the idea of that, so we screamed in joy at the idea. Just then three witches flew in and they cast their magic out the room and this smoke rolled in and then everything was growing dark and scary! It was amazing! I took a selfie with Gracie and Brynn. The Dreamers were partying with themselves and with their friends. It was crazy and chaotic, but fun. After Nathan the Princess was captured by the Zeti and freed from them, he was enjoying the night with me, Lily the Prince. It was supposed to be a joke and all that but no one seemed to be laughing at it. However, someone screamed and then the Dreamers rushed out of the dance room to see what the problem, but they didn't come back.

Jesa, Logan, Shiki, Neku, and Rhyme ran outside to see what had happened to them, but they only gasped in shock. Phoebe, Todd, and I followed them out and we were in shock too, because we saw the Dreamers as dolls!

Jesa and Logan picked up the doll Dreamers. They looked worried about this and then Phoebe looked at them and then at her spell book. She was trying to reverse the cause of the Dreamers doll like state. Rhyme tried to help her too, but nothing was working really.

"We have to fix them!!!" shouted Logan in a worried manner.

"I know that!!" said Phoebe as if it was her way of saying "shut up" to him.

Jesa tried to reverse time on them, but it didn't work. They were freaking out and panicking again. The keyhole opened and a girl, who looked very similar to Nina, came out. She ran to the dolls and then she checked on them.

"Minnie, what are you doing here?!" asked Logan.

"I am the Protector to the Dreamers! I am supposed to make sure they are safe from harm! The fact that they are dolls now tells me that my job is on the line!" she told him.

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