Chapter 79: Alyssa, Never Give Up

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                I can't give up, I can't give up, and I cannot give up. Just breath Alyssa. You're so close to understanding your AP Physic study guide. I will not let this exam prevent me from going to the college I want to go! I've got to do my best!

"That's right Alyssa! You can do it!" Kai exclaimed as she cheered me on.

I forgot how loud she is... At least she is very supportive of me, so that is very nice. I need someone to have confidence in me. Though her shouting can rival that of Nina's.

"Thank you, Kai" I said gratefully as I continued to look over my notes.

She then sat quietly on my bed as she looked at a book. She had decided to read a lot whenever I was studying. I suggested to her to read since I wasn't actually a fighter like her. She didn't protest and agreed to read. I didn't think it would be that easy. As for me, she tried to help me with defensive spells. She was so strong with her metal whip! I didn't know how powerful she was until she wanted to teach me magic spells.

"How long are you going to stay here?" I asked her as I turned over a page of my notes.

"Maybe a few more hours. I don't know yet. My lord isn't sure if he wants to do anything at the kingdom" she admitted, "As for the rest of the kingdoms, they are trying to adjust being back to a world. It is not an experience I thought we would have any time soon"

I couldn't image something like that. My world already has a lot of issues that my generation has to take care of. I am not even sure how were going to handle it. I can see some of my classmates doing something amazing and world changing, but I am not sure what am I going to do yet. I am already worried about what college to go to...

"Don't worry. Your life is going to turn out great!" Kai reassured me passionately, "After all, you're smart and beautiful! You're going to do something great! All you need is confidence which I have plenty to give!"

I smiled at her and went back to finishing my studies. I ended up falling asleep on my desk as Kai simply chuckled. She took a blanket from the closet and placed it over her. She then took my favorite pillow and placed my face on it.

"Have confidence. You'll do well in life" she reassured me as she left.

Someone shook me awake. I was a bit startled, but it was Kai. She smiled warmly at me as she handed me a new set of clothes.

"It is only 7:30. I just woke you up to get ready for the day" she reassured me.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed as I took the clothes and rushed to the bathroom.

I was getting dress as I heard my coffee maker go off along with my stuff being put in my backpack. Once I finished getting ready, I burst through the door and saw Kai holding a cup of coffee, a snack bar, and my backpack.

"Thank you! I'll see you later!" I said as I took the items and ran off.

"Good luck!" she cheered for me.

I felt so relieved she was there to help me. I wasn't sure how long I could handle this on my own. Being a boarding school by yourself with complete strangers is a bit unsettling at times especially if we are being taught magic. I was sitting in the physic class and taking my test. I was doing very well on it. I knew I was going to do well on it. Once I turned in my test, I sat at my desk to relax. Everyone was close to finishing their tests, when the ground began to shake.

"What's going on?" James asked as he looked at Mr. Chaing.

Before we could do anything, Kai was knocked through the door and crashed onto the ground! I called out to her as I ran towards her.

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