Chapter 20: Nathan, I am Wild, Yet I am Alive!!!

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                              Ok, grade 7th. Name Nathan. So I am currently in detention for missing a few assignments but I am also in here for helping save the world from evil and enemies. It was really sudden but it was also a time to act really. I was doing my Algebra homework while Beat was listen to some music on his headphones. I really didn't mind it. He was a great guardian. He was fun to hang around with too. I suppose I should tell you how Beat and I ended up in Detention right? Well it began yesterday morning with a solid donut prank we thought of. We left the donut on Mr. Brothers' desk and we waited for Mr. Brothers to come back and eat it. Beat and I would take a picture of it and then we would post the picture on the Worlds News. It would be amazing to see the views and comments I would see on it!

6:00 am......................................................................................................

"Ok Beat are you ready?" I asked him as I placed the donut on a plate and placed it on his desk.

"You bet I am!" exclaimed Beat.

We high fived and then we hide behind a table and waited for him to come in. We heard a group of people chattering and then we looked up and saw his 8th grade Science class come in. John Sarno was with Ryan and Michael Cid. They were talking about Pokémon and Emerald was with them, because he protected John from harm or helped him with training for Pokémon battles. It was good thing I guess, but I was waiting for Mr. Brothers, because I wanted to get back at him for my math grade he gave me 6th grade. I was looking around and then we heard an explosion go off! Everyone in the science lab freaked out and they quickly ran to the back of the room while Beat and I ran to the front and saw the Dreamers fighting off Young Xehanorte and the heartless called Invisible! Shiki, Lily, Joshua, LoganS, Neku, Todd, Rhyme, and Phoebe were helping the other classmates from all Grades stay safe. John and Rald looked at the fight and then at Beat and I.

"What are we going to do?" asked Rald.

"John make sure your classmates our safe! We'll handle this!" I shouted at them and ran to the fight.

"Wait, what?! Ok! Nathan wait for me!" shouted Beat and he chased after me.

We ran to the fight and the Dreamers were able to drive Young Xehanorte away from their classmates.

"Neku! Make sure you and your friends defeat those Invisibles!" shouted Jack as he created an ice slide that was able to take him to Young Xehanorte.

Neku looked at us and then at the Invisibles. He sighed in disappointment, because he wasn't sure about what he should. Joshua laughed a bit and then his wings appeared and grab LoganS. Shiki then grab Lily's hands and then Beat took my arm. Rhyme and Phoebe stood in the center of the room as we stood around her.

"Alright are we ready?!" asked an excited Rhyme.

"Wait what are we doing?" I asked them with a bit of worry in my voice.

"Something magical" said Phoebe as she took out her wand.

She cast a magic storm that suck the Invisibles in! Rhyme helped her control her magic and kept the Invisibles trapped in the magic storm. Joshua flew into the storm and was able to defeat the Invisibles and they disappeared in smoke!

"Come on! It's like soccer and the other games you play! Except this time, you have defeat the enemies!" encouraged Joshua as he flew around and easily defeated the next few Invisibles.

LoganS and Todd ran into the storm, stood back to back, and began to cast spells at the Invisibles and they were being defeated easily. Neku jumped into the windy part of the storm and was able to launch fire magic at some of them. Lily and Shiki threw the stuff cat she had at the Invisibles and they were defeated by a small cat!? Beat then got an idea and he lifted me up and threw me into the magic storm! I began to scream wildly and then I took out my wand and then I cast magic at the Invisibles without aim or focus! However, my magic was actually hitting them!

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