Chapter 71: Jaylen, Prepare for the Games!

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               It was time for the games! I don't care what the Dreamers are up too, but they can compete in the magical events while the rest of us will compete against each other. Makenzie and I were helping preparing the events while Joey and Lilly. Nina had promised that she and the Dreamers tournament event will not cause any trouble, and she would have Minnie use her shield to protect everyone.

"So, how's it coming? Will there be many games for us to see?" Hideyoshi asked curiously.

I called him Yoshi, because his name is too long for me to say. He was here as well thought most of us agreed to hide our guardians away from the Dreamers. They couldn't exactly sense them anymore after something happened. Our grade and a few others who had guardians unanimously agreed that we would not tell the Dreamers about our guardians being able to return to us.

"You know, I wish I could tell Sarah how much Nene worries for here, and how much Oicih cares for her, but you all have that rule" he said somberly.

"Well, how's it being king?" I asked as I checked and laid out the dodge balls.

"Not too bad. We are getting adjusted to our original homeworld" he said as he picked up a ball and tossed it around in the air.

Suddenly, he got an idea. We have a few minutes until House Games actually.

"Basket Ball?" he asked me as he caught the ball in the air.

"Oh, heck yeah!" I said eagerly as I threw the rest of the dodge balls on the ground.

Yoshi and I threw the ball back and forth and began to play. I was easily winning, but it looks like Yoshi has been practicing. He's going to be as good as me when the time comes! Then, we will have a long, fun match. I pushed him back and dribbled to the basket. I threw the ball towards the basket.

"He shots! Then he scores!" he shouted as I threw the ball into the basket.

The ball went into the basket as we screamed in joy. We jumped around and high fived each other. We heard someone gasp, but we were cheering. With a flick of a wand, we were frozen in place. I turned to see Paige and her guardian, Roller Brawler. Roller Brawler was laughing at us while Paige had her hands on her hip as she fumed at us.

"I thought you two were preparing for the dodge ball tournament" Paige asked angrily.

"We had some time left?" I said weakly.

"Get this done or else" Paige said as she snapped her fingers and freed us.

We were on the ground as she stormed out of the gym.

"She's scary. She reminds me of Nene when she's mad at me" Yoshi whispered to me meekly.

His girlfriend sounds very scary. Well, we went to work and finished setting up the gym for the games. Once we were done, we went to the cafeteria to have some snacks. I noticed the building was still standing.

"Has anyone seen the Dreamers?" I asked as I drank some pop.

"Logan told them about some worlds that needed their help, so they left" Mackenzie answered as she took some cookies for herself.

Well, at least we can have some peace and quiet until they get back. I hope they make it back for the games though. It wouldn't be as much fun without them. It was a bit scary when the school blew up in different sections at times, but it was still fun to have them. They kind of made life more adventurous.

"Then everything should be ok, right?" Nish asked worriedly.

"Sort of. We have a bit of problem with that for us" Cloud said as he stood behind Nish.

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