Chapter 12: Antkit, It's my Party

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                Alright, it's a new school and everything is new to me. I looked at my section and I saw a lot of people who were talking to each other. That's it! I am going to throw a party for everyone here who is in my section! That way I can be cool and get to know my classmates better. After the first week of school, I knew the people I was going to invite to my party. It was going to be Joey, Hope, Olivia, Santana and Nathan. This is going to be awesome. Boomer, my guardian agreed with me on this too. This school was both cool and strange to me. Cool, because you get a lifelong friend who is going to help you out and the reason why it is strange is because this school seems to get attacked way too often. One of the people who fights the enemies is in my section and her name is Nina and also Jesa seems to be leaving class as often as her. I didn't really care, because I was going to throw the best party ever! They wanted to come and I was so excited to hear that! I began to decorate my room and put out drinks and food on a table. I soon realized that this was going to take a while to set up. I took out my wand and cast a levitating spell that helped me move the stuff but I was going to need more help than this and I know just the person that could help me with this. I ran out of my room and went to the DJ booth. Preselzee was looking at some music that the Vocaliod group had sent her. I tapped her shoulder. She paused the music and then looked up at me.

"Oh you're the new kid, Antkit right?" she asked me as she look at the other songs she needed to listen to.

"Y-yeah! That's me!" I said to her nervously.

"So what do you need?" she asked me as she glanced at the clock and at the playlist.

"Oh! Can you help me through the best party?" I asked her.

She looked at me, giggled a bit, and then said "Of course I can! Here, let me see where the party is going to be held"

Yes! This was going to plan and then I took her to the room. She looked at what I had out so far and then she smiled.

"I have got an idea" she said as she took out her wand.

She began to move things around a bit and then she looked at me.

"Come on over here! It's your party!" she said to me as she looked at the area around here.

I ran to her side and we began to discuss how the party was going to look. After a few hours, we had everything set up. Preselzee said she was going to do the music for the party and I was fine with it. Once we finished decorating the room, Preselzee and I heard a dog barking. We looked outside of the room to see Hot Dog, her guardian outside of the room. She looked at him and patted his head.

"What's up boy?" she asked him as she kneeled down to him.

He barked at her in response. She looked confused and so was I. No one can speak dog. She asked him again to repeat what he said, but before he could do anything, Joey, Hope, Olivia, and Nathan arrived! I took her arm and pushed her to the DJ stand. Hot Dog rushed in and looked at us in a confused manner. Preselzee told him to go and stall something while she played the music for my party. Boomer arrived too and he looked very scared for some reason. I am pretty sure it was nothing big. Joey, Nathan, Hope, and Olivia walked in and they were shocked to see how well the decoration were arranged and how they disco ball was hanged and how the lights were arranged.

"Antkit, Boomer, this is amazing" said Hope.

Joey took a selfie with Olivia and posted the picture on Instagram. He posted a note and then next thing I knew, I saw Jimmy, LoganS, Todd, Lily, Levi, Julia, Sid, and Soe! They entered the room and the party took off and Preselzee decided to play a long track, so she could check out whatever Hot Dog was telling her. I didn't care, but I had to thank her for doing this.

"AH!" she cried as soon as she left the room.

Boomer stopped the music and we looked outside of the room and saw Kaos trying to trap Preselzee in a crystal! Hot Dog was trying to get to her, but he was being held by some monsters!

"We have to do something!" I said because I was new and I have no idea how to do this.

I think Kaos knew that, because he sent a waves of dark energy at everyone who was at the party and they were blown back into the room. Kaos waved his hand at the doors and they were locked! I looked at Boomer and I didn't know what to do really. He seemed to have a plan and he pushed me in front of Kaos.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do and then I looked him nervously as I asked "So, d-do you plan on taking over our world?"

"Of course, you idiot! I just need to get rid of the Dreamers and then I have this world!" he replied to me in anger manner.

"Y-you know, you should try and be more pleasant" I told him.

"I am pleasant you ignoramus!" he replied, yelling at me.

"Then why are you c-calling me n-names?" I asked him.

"That's what I do on my world. We call each other names!"

"T-that's r-really m-mean. You shouldn't do that"

We began to talk like this for a while as Preselzee looked at us with a weird expression on her face. Boomer tossed explosions on the monsters and Hot Dog was freed and then they to use. Boomer told me to take out my wand and use a levitating spell. Hot Dog jumped at Preselzee side and broke her out of the forming crystal and she shot a beam from her amethyst as Hot Dog shot a fire ball on it. The beam was heading to Kaos and Boomer threw three grenades at him and told me to use the levitating spell now. I did and the grenades flew closer to Kaos and so was the beam that Preselzee and Hot Dog shot. The moves collided and Kaos was shot down. He landed on the ground face first. He glared at us!

"This isn't the last time you'll see me!!!" he said and he ran out of the school on foot.

"Thanks for the save, Antkit and Boomer" said Preselzee and Hot Dog barked in an approval too.

"It was n-nothing really. You helped me so I helped you!" I told her.

The doors to the party room were finally opened and everyone looked at Preselzee and was relieved that she was ok.

"So? Can we party now?" I asked them.

"Sure thing! Let's party!" said Preselzee as she entered the room and resumed the music.

My party was the talk of the school after this.


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