Chapter 13: Brynn, Shop for Success

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                  School wasn't what I called fun really. It was ok at some parts of the day, but I really enjoyed the free periods that I have with my friends. It was a long day and the Dreamers seemed to have all of the fun. They don't have to go to class when the school was attacked. Nina and Jiwon would be the first people to rush out of class to find the enemy and fight them until the other members came and just recently, Logan became a Dreamer and this new girl, Minnie, was their protector to them. I sighed this wasn't really fair. They get to have all of the fun, but then again, I have my fair share of fun. During my free periods, I would go on my phone and look at Vine to see what was new and hang out with Gracie, Nicole, and Elizabeth. We would talk about the latest news on Vine and Instagram as well as fashion. However, Bunnies came in.

"Come on, Brynn! We have got work to do!" she said in usual cheery self.

I sighed. I really didn't want to go with her to Mobius. Mobius wasn't that fun to me expect for the shopping part of it. The other reason why we have to go to is because that place was where we train. I didn't like training. It was a pain and a bother.

"Alright, let's go and get this over with" I said to her.

"Come on Brynn! Let's get going then" she said to me

She ran out of the Commons and I followed her slowly. She ran to Nina, who was with Kairi, and she asked to her to open the keyhole to Mobius. She nodded and she summoned her Wonder Light and the keyhole appeared above her. She waved her the keyblade and she opened the keyhole. Bunnies took my arm and we crossed over to Mobius. We landed in Central City. It was as busy as ever whether if it was the holidays or not. Bunnies stretched her arms out as she walked around in the city.

"Ok let's head to Tails' Lab and see what we have to do today" she said excitedly and we took off.

I followed her and we were in front of his lab. He was working on a new invention when we walked in. He was usual helping Connor with his homework (especially in math and science) during this time of day. He looked up at us and smiled.

"Alright are you two ready for your task for today? I have to warn you two though, this mission might be more challenging for you two than your previous missions" he said to us as he put down his machine.

"Aw! Don't ya worry Tails! We can handle anything!" Bunnies replied as confident as ever.

"Ok! Then you two have to explore Central City's stores, because from what Rouge told me, there is a Chaos Emerald in the city, so you have to find the emerald before anyone else gets the emerald ok?" explained Tails.

I actually like this mission and we accepted it. We then left the lab and went the city. I was fine with this. I could some shopping for the day. Bunnies and I went to the main mall of the city and we began our search from there. I went into the first clothing store and began to look at the clothes. Bunnies followed me in and she saw that I wasn't paying much attention to the mission and that I was really focusing on the clothing. Bunnies ran to the jewelry and checked to make sure that the Chaos Emerald wasn't there. It wasn't like I thought, but I still looked at the clothes. There wasn't much here, but I still had to get gifts for some of my friends really including Bunnies. I exited the store with Bunnies behind me. I walked into another store with clothing and a jewelry place. Bunnies checked the jewelry place while I looked at the clothes. However, nothing was Bunnies' style.

"The emerald is not here. Oh well, let's check that one over there!" said Bunnies as she left the store and went to the other store across from here.

I slowly followed once I saw that there was nothing for me to get her. I walked into the store she went to and she was already checking on the jewelry for the Chaos Emerald. I have a feeling that the chaos emerald wasn't going to be in these kinds of stores. I left the store and went down to the lowest floor and went to the biggest jewelry store there is here. Bunnies didn't follow me. I was kind of glad. I walked into the store and saw the yellow chaos emerald as a ring and on display! I saw one of the people working here com by me.

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