Chapter 69: Olivia, Laugh It Off

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                   Ok, I have pies, music, and streamers. Now, all I need is some silly strings, and we are good!

"This surprise party is going to be great!" Jani-ca said as she carried in more pies.

"You bet it will be!" I shouted excitedly.

Lately, our grade felt like some impending doom was coming to the school. I decided to throw a party for them! After all, any kind of laughter and relaxing is sure to make everyone feel better! Seriously, we have our guardians back! Except for the Dreamers who were called away on some other important mission. I wonder what they do when they have no missions... Homework or vacation? Hm, I should ask them about it later when I see them.

"Olivia, what are you doing?" Hope asked as she entered the cafeteria.

"Preparing a party!" I shouted excitedly as I threw confetti in the air.

"So, you're preparing a party when everything was nearly destroyed last time?" Hope asked in a shocked tone.

"Yep!" I answered with a smile as Jani placed some food and drinks on the tables.

"Olivia, I don't know if anyone would attend this. Everyone is a bit shaken up" Hope pointed out.

"That's why we need this! Everyone needs to relax and let out their stress!" I exclaimed.

"Alright, but do not freak out if barely anyone comes to this party. We are all tired" Hope pointed out.

I just nodded my head as I continued to prepare the party. Once we were almost finish, I looked at the party. Everything was almost ready!

"I am going to announce this party to everyone! I'll be right back!" I shouted as I left the cafeteria.

I happily ran down the hallway and entered the Common room of our grade.

"Hey! Everyone!" I exclaimed.

Everyone either stopped their work and looked at me curiously.

I clasped my hands together as I shouted in delight, "I'M THROWING A PARTY!"

Everyone jumped in joy, threw papers up in the air, and screamed in delight. I did not know we all needed this. Is everything that stressed or just bored? Or did they think this was a party celebrating the Dreamers leaving the school for a while?

"When will this miraculous party be?" Jaylen asked happily.

"9!" I responded.

This made everyone happier! I was excited! This was going to be great! I quickly ran back to the cafeteria, but I found Jani fighting someone!

"Jani! What's going on?!" I exclaimed as I rushed into the gym.

"Stay back!" she ordered as she blocked the incoming punch.

I screamed when I saw some of the decorations fall from the ground, and the food knocked to the floor. Oh, that attacker is not going to ruin this party for us! I worked hard on this to make sure our classmates were able to have fun and relax! I drew my wand out and cast a force spell. The spell launched the attacker away and crashed into the drinking fountain. Jani was very impressed with my new spells.

"Since when did you learn that?" she asked surprised.

"Since you were gone!" I shouted angrily as I faced the mysterious attacker.

The attacker landed on the ground as the drinking fountain began to pour out. She was clearly angrily, but I was much angrier than her.

"Well, when I heard the worlds' gateways were opened, I didn't expect this. Seriously, your kid isn't too bad compared to the Dreamer of Time" she scoffed.

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