Chapter 9: Ben, Smart Answer

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              I am one of the smartest kids in my grade, but the smartest person in the grade is Perry. He and I have had our differences and have had our alliances in the past. However, he is a Dreamer along with Nina and her friends and is too busy for some competition with me. He was busy saving the world and controlling space and helping the Marvel characters out with their issues. I did receive a guardian called Kanbei who was friends with Hanbei and he guards Dreamer, Jay, so I see him way too often.

"Ok Hanbei, what do I need to do?" Jay asked him as he took out his chaos whip.

"I want you to brag me down from the air as Kanbei is tossing dark orbs at you" he explained to him.

I was doing next month's homework for fun and I was waiting for Perry to come here.

"Um is this a safe idea Hanbei?" Jay asked him.

"Don't worry! I am just collecting some data for our next group training so do your best" he reassured him.

Hanbei took out his shield and pulled a sting on the edge of it. The shield gain another blade and the blades moved around very fast and they lifted him up into the air. Kanbei took out his sphere and Jay cracked his whip. Kanbei launched five different green spheres at Jay and he dodge most of them. He found an opening and he launched his whip at Hanbei and tried to grab his foot and bring him down but an orb came out of the wall and hit Jay's back! Hanbei landed himself on the ground gently and he sighed at Jay while Kanbei made his spheres disappear.

"You should've payed attention to your backside" said Hanbei as he held out his hand for Jay.

Jay took his hand and Hanbei helped him up. They began to talk about improvements and Kanbei walked back over to me to check on me. Just then, Perry and Vulpures walked into the room and they were talking about some calculations of how to defeat a group of Giant Heartless in a quick way. I walked over to Perry and Kanbei followed me closely.

"Hey, Perry are you ready for a challenge?!" I asked him as I closed my book.

Perry stepped back for my request and then he answered calmly and nervously "H-hi Ben. Um I have to check with my other guardians if its ok for me to go and take on your challenges"

I growled at his response and then I said "Fine, but you have to do one of my challenges eventually"

Perry gave me a nervous smile and then he looked at Vulpures. She smiled at him and then she walked outside of the Chapel room.

"Ok! I can take on one of your challenges, Ben" he said to me with a weak smile on his face.

"Alright! We are going to get quizzed over everything we are taught" I told him.

Hanbei yawned loudly and he walked over to us. He seemed disappointed in my idea of a challenge.

"That's your idea of a challenge? Boring! You two are the smartest people in the school right? Well then I have the perfect challenge for the two of you!" he said to us in a drowsy yet excited tone in his voice.

He took out his keyblade, Ends of Earth, and a keyhole appeared above us! Perry looked worried about what Hanbei was thinking and then Hanbei unlocked the keyhole and it sucked us in! Hanbei made his keyblade disappear and he looked at Kanbei.

"Just like old times right Kanbei?" he asked his best friend with a smile on his face.

"I believe so, but we should follow them" he answered him.

"I know that! Come on!" shouted Hanbei as he ran to the keyhole.

He crossed over and Kanbei followed him. Perry and I were free falling to the ground of a world filled with jungles! I took out my wand and I cast a levitating spell on me and I was able to bring myself to the ground safely. I looked at the sky and saw Perry distorting the space around him and he was able to land to the ground safely as well. I forgot he was a Descendant of Space. He landed nearby me and he smiled at me, but I rolled my eyes.

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