Chapter 14: Gracie, Happy New Year!

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                    Ah high school. It's the prefect 4 years of freedom and I couldn't wait for this. I could finally do something fun and I could do it with my friends and hopefully the Dreamers won't cause any trouble this year. Gosh, every year the Dreamers end up throwing the school into chaos and then we end up fighting for the school before anything else happens to it. It gets really annoying especially when you are the only person who can do fight the enemies. Mini Ninjini was my guardian and she was the only who kind of understood me when it came to this part. It was fine really. I just wished we could help them out more is all I guess I am saying.

We were walking to class as Mini asked "So are you going to do cheerleading this year?"

It was almost time for the New Year to arrive and everyone was preparing for a parties and other celebrations. I was invited to a lot of parties, but the one party I was looking forward to was Preselzee's. After the many awesome parties she threw, everyone was looking forward to this party. She already handed out invitations to the party. The Dreamers were already invited and they were so excited for this.

"I think so, but I am not sure really" I told Mini.

"Oh that's fine! I was just curious really" said Mini.

She was always looking out for me, but today we had to get prepared for the party. Preselzee decided not to use any techno or Miku music for the party she was holding, so she asked me to help her pick out the music for the party. We went into the Chapel room to find Preselzee organizing the decorations for the party and Liam was with Vector and they were picking the food for the party.

"Ok, Preselzee, I am here" I called to her.

She turned around, waved at me, and said "Oh hi Gracie and Mini Ninijini! So do you guys have the songs you want me to play for New Year's? I already have Youtube Rewind 2015 on the playlist, because Connor and Alessia said that one had to be played"

I knew those two could be very demanding about songs like that especially when their favorite Youtuber, Markiplier, was in it this year. I took the list of songs out of my bag and gave it to Preselzee. She looked at the list. She looked intrigued by the list and then she went to her DJ stand.

"Ok! Thanks Gracie! This will help me out with the party big time!" she said to me as Hot Dog was helping with the decoration.

"Yeah no problem" said I to her as I left the Chapel with Mini Ninjini.

We decided to head to school market and find some clothes for tonight's party. We walked around the market looking for answers and then Jack ran into the market with Zane not too far behind him. They ran into the clothing store I was at and they hide behind a changing room. I really didn't want to know what was going on. Mini and I were looking through clothes. Jack peeked out of the changing room and he saw me.

"Psst! Hey Gracie! Is there a nindroid out there?" he asked me in a low whisper.

I sighed and glanced at Mini. She flew in the air and looked around, but couldn't find anyone.

"No one is here" I told him.

He breathed a sigh of relief and then he walked out of the changing room with Zane behind him. They thanked me and then left the market. I sighed and I went back to my search for the perfect outfit. We finally found the outfit and then we left for my room. I tried on the outfit and Mini said I looked amazing in it. We were ready for tonight's party and I couldn't help but feel excited about it. I got a text from Brynn and Julia saying that they wanted to come to the party together. I decided to join them and we meet up at the lower part of the school, near the lunch room. Mini had to go back to her world for her New Year's Party. We were talking about how well our outfits looked and how excited we are for the party. The party was going to start around 10pm. The Dreamers invited their guardians to come over to the party, but they couldn't come because they had their own New Year's parties. However, Perry said he had an idea for them. Everyone in our grade was on their way to party. When we entered the Chapel room and we were in awe.

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