Chapter 34: Whitney, I Try

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Chemistry is so hard!! I don't understand why we have to take it! I miss potions class. I wanted to learn more about the different kinds of potions and test them out. However, the school required that I take chemistry because the colleges would be impressed with me. I sighed as I looked at my chemistry homework. It looked so hard to do.

"Relax Whitney, you will do fine" Scratch reassured me.

"Easy for you to say, you don't have to worry about school" I retorted.

I knew that wasn't very nice but when I am stress, things just come out. Luckily, she knew that too. She sat on my bed and stretched her wings out.

"Why don't you take a break?" she asked me calmly.

"I don't think I can. I have a paper, test, and 3 quizzes I should study for" I replied as I finished one of my trivial homework assignments.

"I think you should. If you wish to do better on your assignments" she said to me.

I know about that, but I wasn't sure about it. I want to take a break but I don't feel like I should. I wasn't sure about it entirely.

"It will do you some good, so please" Scratch pleaded.

"I'll try" I replied as I finished my paper.

We walked down to the Commons, but we just saw other students studying for tests or quizzes.

"What are you guys studying for?" Scratch asked as she looked at the tired out students.

"I don't know anymore" I replied truthfully.

However, I glanced at Esha's text book and noticed something odd about it. I know we have an important chemistry test, but that was it. We shared the same classes yet she was reading a book about combat magic. We weren't supposed to have another test on that till May. Something was wrong.

"Scratch, I think we should take a look around" I said.

Scratch was confused as she looked at me. She flew above me.

"Are you sure? Did you forget about your big important chem test?" she asked me worriedly.

"I know I have to do that, but something isn't right here" I replied and I walked around.

The other students were studying for tests that wouldn't happen for a month! However, I wasn't feeling the effects. I walked to the library and saw a lot more people studying!

"Ok! I believe you! Something is definitely wrong with your classmates!" Scratch exclaimed as she looked at the stressed out and tired students.

I looked at the books they were reading and I noticed something about the books they were reading. They all had something to do with magic.

"Why would someone want my friends to learn these magic spells?" I asked Scratch.

However, instead of a response from Scratch, I received a response from a man in a black coat!

"Well it's really simple. Your grade has some of the smartest people I've seen. The Dreamers are hopeless without Ben, Jiwon, and Perry. I placed the smartest people in your grade under my power and now, they are learning powerful magic that will destroy the Dreamers" he stated.

I was insulted!

I replied back with sass in my voice "Ok first off, you are a very rude man! I am smart! Second off, what gives you the right to take control of my classmates! I don't know how you cursed them, but I will break your spell!"

He scoffed "I like to see you try"

He waved his hands and the ground began to shake a bit! I was trying to get my footing, but luckily, Scratch caught me and flew us to safety.

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