Happy Birthday Mom

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So, today was my mom's birthday, so of coarse I'm gonna be sappy and write a paragraph about her and stuff. I hope y'all had a good pride month. I know I did.

My Mom

Today was my mom's birthday and so I'm going to write a giant paragraph about her and all she has done for me. My mom is my biggest supporter and is one of my best friends. She loves me and sacrifices her sanity for me all the time. She's genuinely the greatest mom I ever could've asked for. At some points in my life I wouldn't have been able to say that, but now I truly know that. My mom means the world to me. I wish I could repay her for all of the amazing things she does for me on a daily basis. I'm practically a mini version of her. Mini because I'm short af. Anyways, I don't know what I would do without her endless support or her advice and help or her sacrifices. I know everyone says they have the best mom in the world but genuinely it's my mom. She is beyond incredible and I want and wish the best for her. I love her with all of my heart.

The TanaCon Scandal

So, moving on to a less tear jerking subject. TanaCon. Personally, I'm a Tanaml. I'm a Tana Stan, so seeing all this bad stuff happen to Tana sucks, but in some ways she brought it upon herself. Maybe it's true that she was lied to about the capacity size and all that stuff, but if she had researched it and found the website she would have seen it. I don't put all the blame on Tana though. I do think GoodTimes and Micheal are the ones to blame truthfully, because they're the ones who actually ran the event and sold the tickets and everything. It's all around a mess but I still love and support Tana.

Random Points

If you comment Happy Birthday I'll show my mom. <3

I'm getting so close to 2k reads and I think I'm gonna hit it either tonight or tomorrow, so be prepared for that sappy chapter.

Our neighbors have been setting off loud fireworks all day and it's so annoying.

My eyes literally burn from me almost crying while writing that part about my mom.

I told some people something that I've been hiding for a very long time and I'm beyond relieved and I couldn't of asked for better reactions. I love you guys. <3

Daily Overview


It being my mom's birthday made today great.

Bye <3

(There are so many hearts in this chapter)

how am i? (1) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora