Airplane Days

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News Airplane Man

There was this guy on the airplane from Huston going home that was looking at the news the entire time. How does he do that? I would go crazy. The news makes me so sad. It's sad to see what the world is like and it comes out so much in the news. Yes, there is some happy news, but is that the news that you here on the tv or the paper. But it's not like this man was looking at the news for a couple minutes, hum hum no no no (if you don't recognize where that is from please never speak to me again lol), he was looking at the cnn app for the entire one and a half hour flight home. I don't know. I just think that's kinda weird.

Slime Videos

I know I'm really behind on this trend, but oh my lord. I have become obsessed with slime videos. They are pretty relaxing and I have been stalking a lot of my favorite accounts recently, because it has been helping me with stress. I want to try and make some, but my parents are still out of town and I don't really know how to explain to my grandma that I need a bunch of liquid glue. She'll probably think I'm crazy. Would she be wrong to think that though.

13 Reasons Why

For this trip, I downloaded all of the episodes of 13 Reasons Why to watch on the plane. To be honest, I never really liked the show all that much. It was well made, well written, and was beautiful, but I don't think it describes mental health in a accurate and truthful way.  The show was meant to show the truth. It was meant to be uncomfortably accurate, but Hannah's suicide was basically a revenge plot. Hannah's character arch didn't progress in a way that you could tell she was becoming suicidal. It felt like teenage anxiety and stuff like that. Also, Courtney was awful. She was insanely rude. I hate her.

Daily Overview

Rating 6/10

The airplane was awful. My head was pounding. I couldn't sleep last night so I was tired all day. It's weird, but I'm happy I'm home. I'm excited, because this is the week I spend with my grandparents. Did you know they have a Blaze Pizza in the Huston Airport? I ate that for lunch. Airplanes are uncomfortable.

That's about it

Bye <3

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