Mother's Day

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Mother's Day

Today was Mother's Day. We went to church and ate lunch at the club and everything was great. I got to spend time with my mom and my grandma and just have fun with them.

The Choice

I posted the first chapter of the Choice finally. I've been writing and deleting and then rewriting this chapter for about a month now. It was a little shorter than I wanted it to be, but I think it turned out good. If you haven't checked it out yet, go check it out.


I spent a lot of time today organizing all of my stuff. I redid my bookshelves and organized my closet (I call it Narnia) and even cleaned up and rearranged my room. I'm not the most neat and clean person in the world, so my room can get pretty messy at times, but I feel like sense it is summer and it's a chance for a fresh start, might as well make everything feel fresh and new. It honestly looks really good and I'm proud of it.


Is it bad that I've collectively studied for my final in about 2 days about 20 minutes. I keep trying to sit down and study, but it's math and I genuinely am really bad at studying when it comes to math. I feel like it's one of the hardest subjects and it's the hardest to study for. Stupid 89%. If it only went up one point I wouldn't be worried about it. Does anyone have any tips for studying math, because I'm honestly hopeless on my own?

Daily Overview


Today was good. I felt kinda weird the entire day. I felt happy, but also not insanely happy. I guess I was just in a boring good mood. I'm really hungry so I'm gonna go get an early dinner.

Bye <3

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