A Day

14 1 0

So, today was my first A Day and not gonna lie, it was pretty chill. I'll talk about some of the major stuff, but my opinions on the classes so far stand.

Harmony Belles Girl

So, I forgot her name because I only heard it once but there's a girl in harmony Belles that's So Freaking Cute. I can't help it. I kept looking over it her. God. I'm pretty much in slight crush but for like a little bit because it's mostly because she's cute and nice. I don't know man. Also, some of the upper class man are so pretty. I can't believe it honestly. It's shocking. My gayness is just like woah. Ok. Hold on.

Drivers Test

So, I took my drivers test today. I passes. Yay go me. It was actually pretty easy. I think it took me less than 5 minutes. I knew all of it. I don't even think I missed a question it was so easy. Now I can legally drive. Ew.

Random Points

Figured out my locker. Yay go me.

I know where all my classes are now so that's good.

My shoulder hurts for some reason. I'm dying.

Thinking about maybe getting highlights of some sort. Probably caramel highlights but I don't really know at this point.

I can finally watch Merlin on the Tv and I'm so excited about it.

Daily Overview


Today was good. If I could I don't think I would change a thing about how it went.

Bye <3

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