Father's Day

12 1 0

Ayyyyy the chapter is actually going up on the correct day. Are you proud of me  mom? Ok, I'll stop.

Father's Day

I think I can say that I successfully made this Fathers Day the worst one ever without even trying. So, I'm sick, obviously, so my parents decided that I shouldn't go to my grandparents house which is in the middle of nowhere today. It was the smartest decision, but I can tell my dad was kinda sad about it. That meant that not only did my dad go alone to go see his dad, but he basically spent all of Fathers Day without us. I feel awful about it. I wish they would have made me go, even though I look and feel awful. At least I wouldn't have been as insanely bored as I was all day. And I feel bad that my dad had to explain to everyone why I wasn't there and ugh. I just feel so awful about it.

Sickness Update

So, I haven't thrown up yet today, but I usually throw up later in the day or during the middle of the night. I haven't eaten anything but crackers all day, but, strangely enough, I kinda feel bloated. It might be that or just the cramps again. I'm also not hungry at all, but I think my mom is fixing me some pasta, but I can't have any sauce, so it's not gonna be the best thing ever, but it's a pretty big upgrade from Saltines. I think I'll probably throw up later, I can just tell.

Random Points

I really want to watch YouTube, but I don't know when I could, because my mom won't let me leave her side.

Powerade has never been less appealing to me in my whole life, but I need the electrolytes.

I can apparently design a bomb cake that's way cuter than the cake wars people, well, in my mind at least.

We made brownies and I haven't eaten one yet. I refuse to go in the kitchen, because I can pretend like they aren't in there if I don't see them.

I have a god given right to not look good if I don't feel good.

I hate when people assume that, based upon the nice house I live in, that my family is rich or something. We actually aren't, and I know that might sound weird to some of you, but we aren't. We have and are going through financial problems, so please don't assume that stuff. I never said that, but I feel like I needed to get that out there, and no, it's not an attack at the person who said this. I'm not that immature to still be attacking her. We are both past it.

I love how I'm insanely sick, but I'm not taking any medicine for it. I'm just kinda waiting it out, but it's not working.

Daily Overview


I'm sad that Father's Day wasn't amazing for my dad. I should've pushed myself and gone to my grandparents house.

Bye <3

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