Lifestyle Update!

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So uhh this is dedicated to an update on my diet and lifestyle changes.

If you don't know I've been on a diet that is really more for lifestyle changes since late January.

I've officially lost over 28 pounds and I'm getting really close to 30 and I'm so proud of myself. I've lost a lot of inches and I feel and look better than I have in a really long time.

This past week hasn't been the best on the healthy food side of things,because I've been on vacation, but I've been getting a lot of exercise by swimming and running on a trail they had at the hotel.

As for my mental health, which is also a part of your lifestyle in my opinion, I've been pretty bad lately, but that's because of what happened this past weekend with my cousin. But, overall I'd been much happier and much less negative this past couple of weeks.

I feel really good about my mental health. I mean, god, even my social anxiety isn't as bad. I talk to people. I saw Ben Biernat fishing today while I was on a run (I ran five miles and I'm sick and I'm really proud of myself for that) and I waved and I even stopped for a couple minutes to talk to him. That's so not like me.

I've been taking care of everything recently and I've been giving myself enough time on the day to relax and just chill out while still getting things done.

I haven't been relying on my happy things as much (Jacksepticeye, music, Jane the Virgin) to make me happy or make me smile. My mom and my grandma have mentioned that I've been smiling a lot recently and I'm so proud of myself.

It's weird to be proud that I've been smiling more, but when you struggle with mental health issues, just having the ability to smile is really good.

Now, this is a big part of my life so I'm gonna mention it. My friendships. Having friends and being able to talk to them has become so necessary to my life that it's become part of my lifestyle in a way.

I can feel myself getting closer to everyone, but mostly Mj and Macy. Mj and I have been talking more one on one then we ever have really and Macy and I have just been talking a lot in general. Macy saved me from myself back in 6th grade, so we've always been pretty close I'd say, but with Mj, we never really talked all that much one on one, but we have recently and I love it.

Everyone's been getting closer and everything feels prefect in a way. I want it to stay like this for as long as possible. It's amazing.

Bye <3

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