People Watching

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Stalking Strangers at the pool

Today I just sat by the pool at the hotel and watched people. People watching is kinda weird, but it's fun and I enjoy it. It's like I'm looking into their life for a moment. I think I enjoy it because I like people. I joke about not liking people a lot, but it's not true. I do like people. A lot actually.

Can boys use makeup wipes?

FaceTime friend says that boys can't use makeup wipes, but I think they can. She says they can't because boys usually don't know about makeup. I say they can because all it takes is the ability to wipe your face. What do you think? We're trying to solve the mystery.

Trust Fund Baby

Oh my lord. I love that song. It's by Why Don't We. Why Don't We is those boys that were in the Fall of Jake Paul video, but this song is amazing. It popped up on my Pandora one day as a featured track and OH MY GOD. It's so good. Listen to it...

Leaving Tomorrow

Tomorrow is my last day in Palm Springs. This has been the best Spring Break ever! I don't typically go anywhere for spring break but this has been amazing. I wouldn't trade this trip for the world.

That's about it I guess...

Do you like this new layout for these?
I do so I don't really care if you don't because I'm probably gonna keep doing it anyway.

Bye <3

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