Cute Guy

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So, I just finished Jane the Virgin and my heart is racing. I'm not even kidding I can feel it pounding. It was insane and intense and I'm shocked by literally everything.

The Jane the Virgin Ending

Mj I swear to god if you read it. There will be spoilers for Jane the Virgin ahead!!!! If you haven't watched THE ENTIRE show through all of season four and intend to watch it, then I wouldn't read this!! I'm going to talk about what happened!!! Ok, now to what happened. Rafael and Jane got together!!!! My ship finally is a thing!!! But, Micheal is alive and has been this whole time, so that changes literally everything. Also, alba is a citizen!!!! I feel like a proud mom! And Jr shot someone because they were going to kill Petra. And Petra killed Aneska and I'm genuinely shocked by that one. Also, Xo got breast cancer. When we found that out I literally cried and I had to leave in 8 minutes and I still cried. I don't think anyone noticed though, luckily. Xo is such an amazing and strong woman and ugh, for her to get cancer is like a stab at my heart. So yeah, I'm shocked. My heart is still racing. Literally. I'm not kidding. I can feel it beating.

Camp Day One

So, today was the first day of a writing camp. I had so much fun. I feel so inspired and can't wait for tomorrow. I didn't know if it was going to be fun, or if it was going to be like a summer school, but it was genuinely really fun. I'm proud of what I wrote today and I'm happy I'm doing it. Hopefully you guys see some improvements by the next time I post a chapter in my stories.

Random Points

Jane the Virgin is so good and you NEED to watch it if you haven't.

I don't know why I make such a big deal out of things that really aren't a big deal at all. Like asking some cute guy that I met and talked to at the pool tonight for his number. I mean, he asked me for mine and I gave it to him, but I was to scared to do it myself. I need to be more confident. Also, A GUY ASKED FOR ME NUMBERRRR!!!! AND HES CUTE!!!!!!

I've been so happy the last couple of days. It's been amazing.

I know I posted this at a weird time, but hey, at least I got it up.

Daily Overview


Today was good. It was refreshing from not doing anything all summer so far. Also, A CUTE GUY ASKED ME FOR MY NUMBERRRRR!!! *happy dance*

Bye <3

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