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So I have a new poltergeist/demon thing in my house. I have a ghost who lives in my room that I call Sam, but today some creepy poltergeist type stuff went down that I don't believe was Sam, because they are pretty nice and friendly. Today, it all started when the speaker started playing Desperado by Eagles at full blast. Then, after I turned it off, the second I sat down, a random spatula that couldn't even have fallen off the island, because the jar it is in is in the center of the island, somehow ended up falling on the hardwood floor. Then, after I picked it up, the tv says ghost spirit then it turns off and then turns on again like I turned it off and on but I was in the other room. Then, about 30 minutes later, one of the window shutters (inside the house so it couldn't have been wind plus it want windy outside) opened slowly, sat there for a minute, then closed again. So yeah, I have a demon.

Bye <3

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