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I love how the cramps from being sick just went away and now I'm on my period and have cramps. This sucks.

Lifestyle Changes Update

So this part of this chapter is a big deal and a big step in my life. I've lost all the weight I want to loose. I never really had a set number on what I wanted to loose I just had an idea in my head that when I am happy with myself, I'll be done. I'm at that point. I looked at myself today and I smiled. I don't hate the way I look. I don't know about any of you or if your also insecure about the way you look as bad as I am, but I'm at an amazing place physically and I'm happy, so yeah. Of coarse, what I did wasn't a diet, it was a lifestyle change, so I'm not going to stop what I'm doing. I may not be as strict about it constantly, but I'm not stopping it, because I'll gain the weight back. I'm just progressing in it. I can't believe I'm saying this. I never thought I would ever be able to loose weight or even get to a place where I'm genuinely happy. It's genuinely the best feeling in the world to be able to look at myself and not look for all the flaws or think "eww". It's literally making me cry every time I think about it. I've gotten so much better on my insecurities with it and they are practically minuscule now. I'm just so happy. I'm gonna thank a few people in this just for helping me get here.
To my amazing friends. I love you guys and thank you so much for always being here for me when I'm feeling insecure or *cough* depressed *cough* and for just listening to me. Without you guys I'd probably be dead. That's not an exaggeration either. So thank you for bringing me to the point mental where I can bring myself to care about it. I love you guys.
To my beautiful mother. I know you won't be reading this, but Mom, I genuinely don't think I could have done this without you. You take the time out of your busy schedule every day to go on a walk with me after dinner. Every single day. You have forced me to keep it up, because I didn't want to disappoint you and not go. Your my biggest inspiration and your my idol. Forget Chris Pratt. It's you. Your the best person I know and your so supportive and loving and kind and I'm so lucky to have a mom as amazing as you. I don't know if I'll ever be able to say this to you the way I can write it, but it's true. I love you. Thank you for everything you do for me.
My grandma. Every time I see you, you just have to mention how "good I look" or "how skinny I've gotten" and it's amazing. Heading your words of encouragement have given me so much inspiration and have kept me going. You are my best and greatest friend, even if you don't really count. Of coarse, my friends I mentioned earlier are my best friends, but my grandma is my greatest friend. Nobody could ever top her. She is my biggest supporter and she is amazing at it. The compliments you give me every time I go see you genuinely make my day and I don't know if I would be able to keep going without them. You won't read this either, but I still feel this way. I love you.
And that's it. That's all of the people I want to thank and two of the categories won't even read theme, but that's fine, because what I wrote is still the truth. So, I'm at the point where I'm happy. I may still loose some weight just from keeping up my lifestyle, and that's fine. I'm just past the point of stressing over it. I'm happy about how I look for the first time in my life, and that's not being dramatic either.

Random Points

This little kid was running around purple cow and I would've been so mad if I was his mom.

I got a pack of gum today and realized that I got one yesterday too. Now I have two things of gum.

Wattpad keeps giving me adds for fortnite. I don't know if I should be offended or amused.

I won't write about Jane The Virgin this time because last time Mary joe read it and got spoiled even though I put a warning. Your welcome Mj.

Daily Overview


It was perfect. Amazingly perfect.

Bye <3

how am i? (1) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ