A Lack Of Trust

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No Trust

This isn't very major but it's been happening a lot recently. I feel like some of my friends don't trust me. The have been keeping a lot of secrets. I get secrets. I don't have many, but I understand the point of keeping something secret. It's not a situation where I just think there is a secret that they aren't telling me, it's that they will bring up that something up to me and the rest of my friends and then they won't talk about it. It's kinda annoying. We are supposed to be great friends. I can understand it if they don't want to tell me, I'm not complaining about that at all. I'm jut saying it kinda hurts. I understand it though, and this is not my passive aggressive way of telling them to tell me, this is just me being sad that my friends don't trust me with whatever these things are yet. The time will come though. They will tell me eventually. I know y'all are reading this so hi. This is not me trying to rush you to tell me the secret. Tell me when you are ready.

Soccer Jerks

This girl on my team is a jerk. She always tells me the rudest things for no reason. She doesn't even know what she is talking about either, that the thing. Nobody reading this will understand why this makes me so mad. Just know that I end up crying myself to sleep sometimes because of this girl.

Laying Down In The Church

Today in religion class, we went to the church to 'prostrate' (not sure if that's what it is called and I've also never heard of it). It was honestly moving for me personally. I feel like in a personal prayer I might actually try it again. I know it's weird, but it worked for me. The way my body hurt afterwords was moving to me. It was comfortable but uncomfortable at the same time. I don't know.

Daily Overview

Rating 4/10

There wasn't anything particularly good about today. To be honest, it sucked. I still have homework to do and I should be doing it right now, but I'm tired and it's for the last class of the day, so I can do it later. That's about it.

Bye <3

how am i? (1) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon